Will Your Hair Dryer Kill Lice | LCA Greenville & Anderson (2024)

There are many “at-home” lice treatments that have circulated the internet for years. One popular theory is that your hair dryer will kill lice. Is this true? The short answer is that heat can in fact kill lice, however, the temperature required to kill head lice may not be one that you would like aimed at your child’s head.

How hot is too hot?

The temperature to kill lice is around 130 degrees fahrenheit. A quick blow dry will not suffice to rid your hair of a lice infestation. The truth is that lice can withstand heat from a blow dryer and hot water, which is why you may have washed and dried your child’s hair a few times before realizing that a head lice infestation has even occurred.

Because the temperature to kill lice must be applied for at least 5 minutes, you or your child’s scalp and hair would likely become burned.

Should I try using a hair dryer at home?

It is not recommended to use lice shampoo and heat to rid hair of head lice as heat and the alcohol in the shampoo may ignite. As many adults are not properly trained on how to get rid of lice, certain remedies found online may not be effective in killing all lice and eggs.

There are some DIY options that can be purchased from professional clinics, such as Lice Clinics of America, to allow you freedom, privacy, and safety all from the comfort of your own home.

Book a Professional Treatment Options Near You!

So you have a lice breakout and you’re looking for some safer options. At Lice Clinics of America with convenient locations for lice removal in Anderson, Greenville, and Spartanburg SC, we offer safe and effective treatments that will give your family peace of mind- and hair.

Our AirAlle treatment option offers a 3-step process where the dead lice and eggs are combed out and an oil treatment is applied. In just one hour, you and your family can leave our clinic lice free. For other treatments and options that best fit your family and budget, consult our team of highly qualified experts today!

Will Your Hair Dryer Kill Lice | LCA Greenville & Anderson (2024)


Can a hair dryer fully get rid of lice? ›

A quick blow dry will not suffice to rid your hair of a lice infestation. The truth is that lice can withstand heat from a blow dryer and hot water, which is why you may have washed and dried your child's hair a few times before realizing that a head lice infestation has even occurred.

Can head lice be killed in the dryer? ›

The incidence of live lice on pillowcases was 4.2% per night and the proportion of the head louse population on the pillowcases was 0.11%. Heat (hot wash and hot clothes dryer) killed head lice experimentally placed in pillowcases. Cold wash and hanging pillowcases out to dry did not kill head lice.

How long do you put blankets in dryer to kill lice? ›

How long do I need to put items in the dryer to kill lice? Turn your tumble dryer onto a high heat for between 15 and 30 minutes. This should be sufficient to kill and stray head lice or nits.

Can hot water kill lice in hair? ›

The temperature needed for the killing of head lice is 130 degrees Fahrenheit which you may not want to be aimed at your child's scalp. How long does it take to kill bugs with heat? This temperature needs to be sustained for a minimum of five minutes to be of any use.

Can lice survive a hair straightener? ›

A hair dryer or straightener must have enough airflow, a hot enough temperature, be used for the minimum duration, and be directed properly at the head to properly kill lice. Unfortunately, hair dryers and straighteners fail on all these fronts.

Do lice survive on pillows? ›

Head lice do not live on pillows or sheets, as they need to feed on the scalp of a host in order to survive. According to the CDC, lice can only survive for 48 hours after falling from a host scalp.

How long can dead nits stay in hair? ›

How long can dead nits stay in hair? Nits stick to the hair shaft. Hatched casings and dead nits can stay on the hair shaft for months, even after curing the lice infestation, unless you remove them manually. Because of this, finding nits alone doesn't always mean there's an active lice infestation.

Can lice survive hair dye? ›

Hair dye may kill lice as it contains chemicals such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which lice may be sensitive to. However, it is not likely that hair dye can kill nits, which will return as lice once hatched.

Will rubbing alcohol kill head lice? ›

While alcohol can kill live lice, it may not eliminate nits. Nits are firmly attached to the hair shaft and may require manual removal with a fine-toothed comb to eliminate the infestation. There is concern that lice will develop resistance to alcohol over time, making it less effective as a treatment option.

Do I need to clean my couch if I have lice? ›

It's rare for head lice infestations to spread through the common use of furniture or carpets, but it's a good idea to do some post-infestation housework. Toss pillows and mattress pads in the washing machine, and use the hand tools on your vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean mattresses, furniture, and car seats.

Can I sleep in my bed if I have lice? ›

Lice are most often spread by head-to-head contact with another person who has lice, such as sleeping in the same bed. Although they do not survive long away from a human host, lice may also be spread by wearing another person's hat or clothing, or by using another person's comb, brush, or bedding.

What do lice hate? ›

What repels head lice? Coconut, tea tree oil, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon grass, and peppermint are scents popularly believed to repel lice. Using any coconut scented shampoo and conditioner is an easy way to increase your defense. At 1% concentration, tea tree oil killed 100% of head lice after 30 minutes.

Does Dawn kill lice? ›

Alternative Head Lice Treatment Strategies

Mixture of equal parts of: baby oil, dawn dish soap, and listerine. Leave on for 10 minutes.

What kills head lice instantly? ›

What kills head lice instantly? No methods have been found to instantly kill lice, though tea tree and lavender oil combinations in carrier oils have proven to be effective and time-efficient.

Can you remove lice from dry hair? ›

Is it better to comb lice out of wet or dry hair? It's better to comb lice out of wet hair than dry hair. Wet hair sticks together and is easier to comb in sections. It's also easier to see lice and their eggs in wet hair.

What temperature kills lice eggs? ›

Exposing lice and nits to temperatures above 125 degrees F for 10 minutes is lethal. Most personal articles of clothing and bedding can be disinfested by machine washing in hot water or machine drying for at least 20 minutes using the hot cycle.

How to get rid of lice fast? ›

Smothering agents: There are several common home products that may kill lice by depriving them of air and smothering them. These products include petroleum jelly (Vaseline), olive oil, butter, or mayonnaise. Any of these products may be applied to the scalp and hair, covered with a shower cap, and left on overnight.

How long can lice live on a hairbrush? ›

The CDC also advises against sharing hairbrushes. Adult head lice can survive for 2 days and nits for around 1 week on a hairbrush. Soaking combs or hairbrushes in hot water of at least 130°F (54.4°C) for 5–10 minutes will kill any lice and nits.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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