Veteran MMO studio casually reveals Guild Wars 3 is in development, and fans aren't sure how to feel (2024)

Veteran MMO studio casually reveals Guild Wars 3 is in development, and fans aren't sure how to feel (1)

Guild Wars 3 has quietly been confirmed.

Although Guild Wars 2 was first released way back in 2012, it's still one of the most popular MMOs with active servers and just last year dropped the generally well-received fourth expansion, Secrets of the Obscure, with more to come in 2024 and 2025.That, combined with the fact that developer ArenaNet and publisher NCSoft haven't so much as teased a sequel, makes it a big surprise that Guild Wars 3 has now been officially, and weirdly casually, announced.

Per Korean publicationInven(translated by Reddit user Sydius - via Kotaku), NCSoft co-CEO Park Byung-moo recently confirmed the existence of Guild Wars 3 in a rather nonchalant manner during the publisher's recent shareholder meeting. No additional details, beyond the fact that the game is now in development, were revealed, but the news nonetheless sent shockwaves through the MMO community.

While there's of course a general excitement that a sequel is coming, there's also some concern that the game could ditch its tried-and-true monetization model of charging players one price for the initial entry and then only charging for big expansions after that. In other words, Guild Wars has historically differed from other MMOs in that it doesn't ask players to pay a subscription fee, and some folks are worried NCSoft will start charging a monthly fee or find some other live-servicey way to monetize the sequel.

"I hope they keep what made GW1 and 2 unique. $60 purchase one time, with expansions, and a beautiful world with champ trains. That'd be a day 1 buy for me. Excited to hear it, i have faith. Scared to hear it'll be f2p or something," said one Reddit user reacting to the news.

"As much as I love GW2, it's clear that the monetization model wasn't sufficient in enticing NCSoft to allocate more resources to it as time went on. You could feel the decrease in quality from expansion to expansion, living world to living world," argued another commenter, concluding, "And given the current landscape of monetization in MMO's, and how NCSoft is going about it in their other games, I'm very skeptical that it won't be an MTX fest," they concluded.

"The mention of GW3 came as a response to a question about NCWest being in the red for 8 years. Pretty sure they will attempt to make it a cash cow," said another skeptic. "2004 was 2 decades ago. We're not getting that golden age back."

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"I'm expecting F2P with heavily crippled access and progression locked behind MTX," echoed yet another concerned fan. "Like F2P only having certain weapon types, limits on professions, hard caps on character power progression."

With so little word from NCSoft, and virtually nothing from presumed developer ArenaNet, it's impossible to say what direction the sequel will take not only in terms of monetization but in every other regard. That said, there's no denying the multiplayer gaming landscape has shifted dramatically since Guild Wars 2 released, so it wouldn't be at all surprising to see a very different type of MMO whenever Guild Wars 3 launches.

In the meantime, here are the best MMOs you can play today.

Veteran MMO studio casually reveals Guild Wars 3 is in development, and fans aren't sure how to feel (2)

Jordan Gerblick

After scoring a degree in English from ASU, I worked as a copy editor while freelancing for places like SFX Magazine, Screen Rant, Game Revolution, and MMORPG on the side. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish.

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Veteran MMO studio casually reveals Guild Wars 3 is in development, and fans aren't sure how to feel (2024)


Veteran MMO studio casually reveals Guild Wars 3 is in development, and fans aren't sure how to feel? ›

Guild Wars 3 has quietly been confirmed. Although Guild Wars 2 was first released way back in 2012, it's still one of the most popular MMOs with active servers and just last year dropped the generally well-received fourth expansion, Secrets of the Obscure, with more to come in 2024 and 2025.

Will there ever be a Guild Wars 3? ›

Guild Wars 3 came up in a recent shareholders meeting at NCSoft, with the company effectively announcing it's in development. The confirmation came as NCSoft once again seeing stock prices drop while the company struggles to regain its footing.

Is ArenaNet working on Guild Wars 3? ›

With two more expansions still in the works set to launch this year and in 2025, respectively, Guild Wars 2 players aren't hurting for new content. That's why the news that ArenaNet is working on a proper third game in the series came as such a shock.

Is Guild Wars a Korean game? ›

Guild Wars is a multiplayer online action role-playing game developed by ArenaNet, a subsidiary of South Korean game publisher NCSOFT, and released in 2005.

How old is Guild Wars 1? ›

The first campaign, Guild Wars Prophecies (originally named Guild Wars), was released on April 28, 2005.

Is The Guild 3 still being worked on? ›

It will be the last one in collaboration with the Purple Lamp team. Purple Lamp has done an amazing job of bringing the game thus far! The development of The Guild 3 however will not be over then, as THQ Nordic is still not willing to call the game done yet!

Will Guild Wars 2 have a 4th expansion? ›

Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure is the fourth expansion pack for Guild Wars 2. Its development was confirmed on March 22, 2022, and officially announced on June 27, 2023. The release date was Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 09:00 UTC-07:00.

Is guild 3 a good game? ›

Released 16 years after The Guild 2, the third entry in the series disappoints. Dated graphics, simplified gameplay, unintuitive interface and various other flaws greatly diminish its substantial potential.

Does the Guild 3 have multiplayer? ›

Multiplayer is now available. Editions: The boxed version Aristocratic Edition and Standard version. The Aristocratic Version comes with an Exclusive “The Guild Card Game” (Guide here), the „Balbulus“ Figurine, Making-of and Soundtrack.

Does NCsoft still own ArenaNet? ›

ArenaNet, LLC is an American video game developer and subsidiary of NCsoft, founded in 2000 by Mike O'Brien, Patrick Wyatt and Jeff Strain and located in Bellevue, Washington.

How many people still play Guild Wars? ›

" Guild Wars 2 has approximately 300,000 to 500,000 daily active players. active players Guild Wars 2 is no doubt one of the most popular games of 2023. has an active 'Players Online' button you can refresh.

Is Guild Wars 2 a prequel? ›

Guild Wars 2 is the sequel to the Guild Wars series of games by ArenaNet.

Is Guild Wars a p2w game? ›

Short answer: No. Long answer: It is true that you can use in-game gold and real money to buy "Gems". You use Gems to buy stuff in the Gem Store.

Will there ever be Guild Wars 3? ›

Guild Wars 3 has quietly been confirmed. Although Guild Wars 2 was first released way back in 2012, it's still one of the most popular MMOs with active servers and just last year dropped the generally well-received fourth expansion, Secrets of the Obscure, with more to come in 2024 and 2025.

Are Guild Wars 1 and 2 connected? ›

Guild Wars 2 is an entirely new game set in a different era from the original Guild Wars: with new professions and races, new technology, and expanded gameplay. As such, it is not possible to continue using an original Guild Wars character in Guild Wars 2.

Who owns Guild Wars? ›

NCSoft is a South Korean video game developer which has produced many online games, including Lineage, City of Heroes, WildStar, Guild Wars, Aion, Blade & Soul, Exteel and Master X Master. NCSoft is the company that owns ArenaNet. ArenaNet is the maker of Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.

Will Guild Wars 2 end after end of dragons? ›

Despite the expansion's name, it has been stated by the developers and the Studio Director that End of Dragons is not the end of the Guild Wars 2 storyline nor the end of the game development.

How long is The Guild 3? ›

Main Story218h 58m
All PlayStyles218h 58m

What is the new title in Guild 3? ›

The new title "Lady" is bestowed upon the leader of the family. Titles in the The Guild 3 are a core element and with them come certain privileges.

Is Guild 3 a good game? ›

Released 16 years after The Guild 2, the third entry in the series disappoints. Dated graphics, simplified gameplay, unintuitive interface and various other flaws greatly diminish its substantial potential.

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