Top 10 Herbal Enema Recipes You Must Try (2025)

Did you know that herbal enemas provide numerous health benefits? They are not just for simply giving the colon a cleanse. They are very effective in providing healing benefits. Different herbs possess active compounds that, if absorbed by the body, enter in the intestinal walls all the way into the bloodstream. Oral consumption of herbs provides lesser benefits as some of the active compounds are already destroyed or altered by the gastric juices before they even get absorbed into the body.

Holding in an herbal enema for at least 15 minutes and as long as 45 minutes is ideal. The longer you hold an herbal enema, the more you allow better absorption of its active compounds.

If you haven’t received an enema before, it is advised that you first start by doing a cleansing enema before trying an herbal enema. Doing so is necessary to receive the best results. Eliminating most of your bowels before an herbal enema procedure guarantees that more of the herbal fluid will be absorbed by your body. For a cleansing enema, you may use salt water or even plain water.

Important reminders:

  1. Study more about it - it is imperative that you study about enema administration and its possible side-effects before receiving one.
  2. Know when to avoid it - In addition, take note that a lot of herbal enemas in this article are not recommended for serious and acute inflammatory bowel issues. They are only suggested for moderate and chronic intestinal tract inflammations.
  3. Consult your doctor - For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, seek the advice of your doctor first before receiving an herbal enema.
  4. Prepare your solution safely - Only filtered and chlorine-free water is recommended to be used in enema solutions. Enema solutions must also be heated to a warm temperature, around 37 to 40˚C or 98 to 104˚ F)
  5. Know your measurements - The herbal enema recipes in this article are in liters. One liter is 1000ml. If you are using quart, and a quart is 946ml, the difference is negligible.

10 Best Herbal Enema Recipes:

  • Aloe vera: also known as Aloe
  • Allium sativum: also known as Garlic
  • Arctium lappa: also known as burdock
  • Nepeta cataria: also known as Catnip
  • Trigonella foenum-graecum: also known as Fenugreek
  • Uncaria tomentosa: also known as Cat’s claw
  • Tabebuia impetiginosa: also known as Pau d’Arco
  • Matricaria recutita: also known as Chamomile
  • Achillea millefolium: also known as Yarrow
  • Azadirachta indica: also known as Neem
  1. Aloe Herbal Enema

Aloe vera contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. It has been known for its soothing and healing benefits.

This recipe provides healing benefits to the intestinal tract. It is also perfect for people suffering from hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Herbal Enema Recipe using Aloe Vera:

- ½ cup of aloe vera juice
- 2 liters of filtered water (warm temperature)

Instructions: Mix the water and aloe vera juice together. See to it that the temperature is warm before administering. Retain for at least 15 minutes or as long as 45 minutes.

  1. Garlic Herbal Enema

Top 10 Herbal Enema Recipes You Must Try (1)

Garlic is a very rich and powerful antibiotic and anti-fungal herb. When administered through enemas, it has been proven effective in removing intestinal worms and parasites. Candida levels in the colon can also be reduced.

Harmful bacteria in the colon cause diarrhea and various symptoms of bowel issues. With a garlic herbal enema, these issues can be treated in only a few hours.

The powerful substance that is behind garlic’s healing properties is Allicin. It is imperative to crush the garlic in order to release this substance. You can increase the levels of allicin by letting the garlic sit for about 15 minutes to an hour and a half.

Consuming garlic through enemas is more powerful in comparison to consuming garlic orally. When garlic enters the digestive system, it goes through numerous chemical changes. As a result, the majority of the allicin is broken into different components before it even enters into the intestines.

Herbal Enema Recipe using Garlic:


- 3 cloves of garlic

- 2 liters of filtered water
Instructions: Crush the garlic cloves. Leave it for about 15 minutes. In a large bowl, mix the garlic into the water and let it sit for at least 3 hours (leaving it overnight is better to increase the level of allicin). Strain the solution. Heat to a warm temperature if necessary. For best results, administer and retain the garlic enema for at least 15 minutes or as long as 45 minutes.

Important reminders:
- A garlic enema may trigger a sudden die-off reaction for those with severe infection from parasites or candida. To avoid this, use only one garlic clove at first then work your way up each day by adding one additional clove to the solution. Never use four garlic cloves or more in one solution.
- It is normal to feel a mild burning sensation surrounding your anus when using raw garlic to your enema solution. However, a stronger solution may cause irritation. To avoid this, use a diluted solution first.
- Since garlic is a powerful and natural antibiotic, it may also eliminate some of the beneficial bacteria in the gut if you use it in enemas regularly. To avoid this, consuming oral probiotics and fermented foods may help.

  1. Burdock Herbal Enema

One of the famous herbs for cleansing the blood and treating skin issues is Burdock root. If used in an enema solution, it will help remove calcium deposits and help improve kidney function.

Herbal Enema Recipe using Burdock:

- 2 tablespoon of burdock root
- 2 liters of filtered water
Instructions: Pour in 2 liters of filtered water in a pot, add the burdock root, and let it boil. Once it reaches the boiling point, lower the heat and simmer for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and allow to cool to a warm temperature before straining the solution. Administer as an enema and retain for at least 15 minutes or as long as 45 minutes.

  1. Catnip Herbal Enema

Consuming Catnip tea is very soothing. If you take it as an herbal enema, it is able to soothe the intestinal tract, treat digestive issues, relieve constipation, and get rid of intestinal gas. In addition, it assists in pulling out mucus in the colon.

Catnip enemas are safe for adults and children.

Herbal Enema Recipe using Catnip:

- 4 tea bags of catnip tea or 2 tablespoons of dried catnip leaves
- 2 liters of filtered water
Instructions: Pour in 2 liters of filtered water in a pot and boil. Remove the pot from the heat before adding the catnip leaves. Soak the solution for at least 15 minutes. Strain and make sure the temperature is warm before administering. For best results, it is advised to retain the solution for 15 to 45 minutes.

  1. Fenugreek Herbal Enema

When it comes to inflammatory conditions, fenugreek seeds have been known to be an effective natural treatment. Adding them to water makes them mucilaginous. The mucilage assists in protecting and lubricating the body’s mucous membranes. Due to their mucilaginous properties, using them in enemas provides soothing properties to the digestive tract. Aside from their healing benefits for inflammation, they also guard against ulcer formation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Herbal Enema Recipe using Fenugreek:

- 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
- 2 liters of filtered water
Instructions: Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in the filtered water. The next day, boil the solution for at least 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and allow to cool. Strain and make sure the temperature is warm before administering. For best results, it is advised to retain the solution for 15 to 45 minutes.

  1. Cat’s Claw Herbal Enema

Top 10 Herbal Enema Recipes You Must Try (2)

When it comes to boosting immunity, Cat’s claw is one of the best choices of ingredients. It is efficient in treating intestinal disorders. A cat’s claw herbal enema is able to provide a successful colon please and help treat bowel disorders such as colitis, hemorrhoids, colitis, and leaky gut syndrome.

Cat’s claw enemas are able to reduce intestinal bacteria due to its immune-boosting properties. At the same time, they are able to assist in restoring the good bacteria in the gut.

Herbal Enema Recipe using Cat’s Claw:

- 2 tablespoon of cat’s claw (powder)
- 2 liters of filtered water

Instructions: Boil 2 liters of water. Remove from heat before adding the cat’s claw powder. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Filter and allow to cool before administering the solution. Retain for at least 15 minutes and as long as 45 minutes.

  1. Chamomile Herbal Enema

Top 10 Herbal Enema Recipes You Must Try (3)

Chamomile is an herb known for its calming properties. It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various health issues. When taken as a tea, it is powerful in relaxing the body.

When taken through enema procedure, you will also experience relaxation, especially in your digestive system. It is powerful in soothing irritations in the intestinal tract and reducing abdominal cramps due to inflammation or gas.A Chamomile herbal enema also assists in treating sleeplessness and nausea.

Herbal Enema Recipe using Chamomile:


- 4 chamomile tea bags or 2 tablespoons of loose chamomile

- 2 liters of filtered water

- Boil the water in a pot. Remove from heat, add the chamomile tea bags or loose chamomile. Soak for at least 15 minutes. Set aside and let it cool to room temperature. Filter before administering as an enema. Retain for at least 15 minutes or as long as 45 minutes.

Important reminder:
- People who have an allergy to ragweed must not use chamomile.
- Be aware that chamomile works as a mild sedative. Drowsiness might be experienced.

  1. Pau d’Arco Herbal Enema

Pau d’Arco is also known as Lapacho or Taheebo. It is a very powerful herb with antifungal properties and is often used to deal with numerous bodily infections. Using it as an enema solution helps treat internal yeast or candida in the colon. In addition, it helps in reducing and removing parasites.

What’s amazing about Pau d’Arco is how it improves the immune system’s ability to fight infection. It works well with people who have a weak immune system. In addition, it is able to cleanse the blood and lower the intensity of health issues connected with toxic blood, including dermatitis and psoriasis.

Consuming this herb through an enema allows it to reach the bloodstream way faster, in comparison to oral consumption.

Herbal Enema Recipe using Pau d’Arco:

- 2 to 3 tablespoons of the inner bark of Pau d’Arco
- 2 liters of filtered water

Instructions: Using a glass or ceramic pot, boil the Pau d’Arco in 2 liters of water. Simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and allow the solution to cool. Let the mixture cool to a comfortable temperature. Administer and retain for at least 15 minutes or as long as 45 minutes.

Important reminder: A Pau d’Arco enema may trigger a sudden die-off reaction for those with severe infection from parasites or candida. To avoid this, use a mild solution at first then increase gradually.

  1. Yarrow Herbal Enema

In times of flu, cold, or fever, Yarrow is one of the best choices of herbs. It is a diaphoretic herb so it helps induce perspiration. It boasts relaxing and healing properties for the body’s mucous membranes. Used as an enema, it is powerful enough to reduce abdominal cramps and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Not only that, but yarrow enemas also assist in treating diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and gas.

Herbal Enema Recipe using Yarrow:

- 2 liters of filtered water
- 2 tablespoon of yarrow (dried)

Instructions: In a pot, boil 2 liters of water. Remove from heat before adding the dried yarrow. Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes before straining. Cool to room temperature before administering. For best results, retain the solution for at least 15 minutes or as long as 45 minutes.

Important reminder: Since Yarrow consists of lactone and salicylic acid, some people may experience allergic reactions to it, such as headaches or feeling nauseous. Avoid using yarrow if you are allergic to aspirin.

  1. Neem Herbal Enema

Top 10 Herbal Enema Recipes You Must Try (4)

Herbal Enema Recipe using Neem:

Neem is an amazing herb that is antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, and antifungal all at the same time. It works powerfully in detoxifying the blood and stimulating the immune system. When used as an enema solution, it guarantees the reduction of candida and other infections in the gut.

- 1 tablespoon of neem leaf powder
- 2 liters of filtered water

Instructions: In a pot, boil 2 liters of water. Remove from heat before adding the neem powder. Steep for at least 15 minutes before filtering. Cool to room temperature before administering. For best results, retain the solution for at least 15 minutes or as long as 45 minutes.

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Top 10 Herbal Enema Recipes You Must Try (2025)


What herb is best for enema? ›

Some people use herbs like garlic, catnip tea, or red raspberry leaf mixed with water to make herbal enemas with purported nutritional, infection-fighting, and anti-inflammatory benefits.

What is the best homemade enema solution? ›

You can make a homemade saline solution by adding 2 level teaspoons of table salt to a quart of lukewarm distilled water. Do not use soapsuds, hydrogen peroxide, or plain water as an enema. They can be dangerous.

What is the best fluid to use for an enema? ›

Sodium phosphate enemas are the most common and fastest-acting type. A sodium phosphate enema is a mix of water and salt (saline). These enemas pull water from your colon and into your stool, so it's easier to pass. Glycerin enemas also pull water into your colon to soften stools.

What tea is best for enemas? ›

Chamomile Tea Enema – it can help haemorrhoids, gently soothes and cleanses the colon, gently cleanses the liver , helps relieve nausea and promotes relaxation.

What herbs help with pooping? ›

The herbs with a proven laxative effect include aloe (aloin, aloe-emodin), frangula (frangulin, cascara, and Chinese rhubarb root (through anthraquinone glycosides) [19,20,21].

Why do you put salt in an enema? ›

The salt of the mixture sends the body's water into the bowels to make the feces soft. Glycerin. It stimulates the lining of the colon to cause bowel movements.

What simple trick empties your bowels? ›

Olive oil – consuming a teaspoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach can encourage stool to flow through the gut. The oil acts as a lubricant in the digestive system, meaning it's easier for solids to slide through. It also softens up the stool, making it easier to empty your bowels completely.

How to clean out bowels quickly? ›

To cleanse the colon, experts recommend drinking 6 to 8 cups of warm water per day. In addition, you should also eat plenty of foods with a high water content, including fruits and vegetables like watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce, and celery.

What can I do instead of an enema? ›

There are many ways to stimulate digestion without the use of enemas. For example, keeping physically active, drinking plenty of water, boosting your intake of fiber, practicing mindful eating, and managing your stress levels may greatly benefit your digestive health.

How to get rid of old feces in the colon? ›

The following natural colon cleanses can be done cheaply, and they're also quite safe if done correctly.
  1. Hydration. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is a great way to regulate digestion. ...
  2. Saltwater flush. ...
  3. High fiber diet. ...
  4. Juices and smoothies. ...
  5. Juice fast. ...
  6. More resistant starches. ...
  7. Probiotics. ...
  8. Herbal teas.

Why is nothing coming out after enema? ›

Sometimes, a person may find that they cannot have a bowel movement after using an enema. If this happens, they should seek medical attention. A doctor can examine the bowels, and they may suggest using a second enema. A person may need to try lying on their back again to see if the fluid works its way to the bowels.

What should come out after an enema? ›

It usually takes one to five minutes for the enema solution to bring on a bowel movement. The bowel movement will release not only your feces, but also the enema solution itself. After you've used the enema and gone to the bathroom, throw out the enema and wash your hands.

What does coffee do in an enema? ›

According to the reports, coffee enema was effective for relieving constipation as caffeine increased the intestinal motility when absorbed in the intestinal mucosa, and decreasing lipids and cholesterol as well as improving thyroid function.

How to make a chamomile enema? ›

I like to make it with 2 TBS dried chamomile and 1 quart of boiling water. I'll allow it to steep for 10-15 minutes, strain really well, and then allow it to cool on the counter before I administer. Other herbs you might consider for an enema: catnip, burdock, or raspberry leaf.

What can you give yourself an enema with? ›

Home enema for constipation
  • Pour about eight cups of hot, distilled water into a clean cup, bowl, or jar. ...
  • Put a small amount of Castile soap, iodized salt, or sodium butyrate into the water. ...
  • Get a clean, sterilized enema bag and tubing to safely give the enema to yourself.

What can I use instead of an enema? ›

The doctor will likely recommend other methods of relieving constipation, including fiber supplements, stool softeners, laxatives, and changes in diet, including an increased intake of liquids. The doctor may be able to help loosen stool in their office, as well. Enemas come with serious health risks.

Which medicine is best for enema? ›

Description and Brand Names
  • AnaMantle HC.
  • Colace.
  • Dulcolax.
  • Dulcolax Bowel Cleansing Kit.
  • Enemeez Mini Enema.
  • Enemeez Plus Mini Enema.
  • Fleet Babylax.
  • Fleet Bisacodyl.
Feb 1, 2024

Is it safe to use olive oil as an enema? ›

Highlights. Olive oil enemas are a safe and effective remedy for chronic constipation. Olive oil enemas followed by glycerin enemas are useful for fecal disimpaction. Olive oil enemas are effective in patients with various underlying disorders requiring bowel management.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.