Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (2024)

In this guide we’ll uncover the secrets of indoor gardening for beginners, offering a roadmap to transform your living space into a thriving garden paradise.

From choosing the right plants to mastering the art of lighting, watering, and pest control, you’re about to embark on a journey that will not only transform your surroundings but also nourish your soul.

One of the most apparent disparities for indoor gardeners is the limited space and reduced exposure to direct sunlight.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t grow a thriving indoor vegetable garden and enjoy the satisfaction of harvesting your own fresh produce.

This guide will empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to overcome these challenges that face indoor gardens.

Armed with this knowledge you can now turn your indoor space into a vibrant oasis of greenery, where you’ll cultivate not only vegetables and herbs but also a deep sense of fulfillment and connection to nature.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (1)

Table Of Contents

  1. Indoor Gardening for Beginners Best Plants to Grow
    • Vegetable Plants
    • Herbs
    • Root Vegetables
    • Microgreens
  2. Indoor Gardening for Beginners Tips
    • Vegetable Plants
    • Herbs
    • Root Vegetables
    • Microgreens
  3. Indoor Gardening for Beginners Starting from Seed
  4. Indoor Gardening for Beginners Supplies
    • Containers and Potting Mix
    • Watering and Self-Watering
    • Fertilizers
  5. Lighting
  6. Pests
    • Spider Mites
    • Mealybugs
    • Fungus Gnats
  7. Humidity

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Indoor Gardening for Beginners Best Plants to Grow

Just as you would in an outdoor garden, your journey into indoor gardening begins with a crucial decision: choosing what type of plant you want to grow. Selecting the right plants requires a little bit of planning, so let’s embark on this green adventure together.

Edible plants, like leafy greens, herbs, and even fruit trees, all have different needs. Some thrive in direct sunlight, while others prefer indirect light so let’s discuss your options for best results.

A little research will help you choose the best plants for your indoor gardening system. The first thing to consider is the needs of each plant in regards to how many hours of light they need, the temperature range that suits them best as well as the humidity needs of your plants.

These plants can thrive in an indoor garden without taking up much space, making growing your own food as simple as setting up a plant of your choice in your living room.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (2)

Vegetable Plants

Tomatoes:Tomatoes thrive indoors because you can control their environment, ensuring consistent warmth, light, and humidity. Compact tomato varieties are especially suitable for indoor gardening.

Peppers:Peppers, like tomatoes, require warmth and sunlight. Indoor growing allows you to extend the growing season past the Summer months and cultivate hot peppers or sweet varieties to your liking.

Spinach:Spinach is a cool-season crop that does well in indoor environments with controlled temperatures. It’s also a nutrient-rich green that can be harvested continually.

Cucumbers:Compact cucumber varieties, such as bush cucumbers, are well-suited for indoor gardening. They can be trained to grow vertically on a window sill, saving space.

Peas:Peas grow well indoors because they don’t need much space, and you can provide them with optimal conditions for consistent growth.

Kale:Kale is a hardy green that thrives in containers. Indoor gardening ensures a constant supply of fresh, nutritious leaves.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (3)


Basil, Parsley, Cilantro, and Chives:These herbs are staples in many cuisines and are often used in small quantities, making them ideal for an indoor herb garden. Fresh herbs add flavor and aroma to dishes and with the help of a green thumb, you won’t have to buy them from the grocery store.

Mint:Mint can be invasive when planted outdoors, but the good news is that it thrives in containers indoors. Growing fresh mint is a great way to enjoy them in teas and co*cktails year-round.

Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Sage, Dill:These herbs have robust flavors and are often used in cooking. Growing them indoors ensures a readily available source of aromatic herbs for your culinary creations.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (4)

Root Vegetables

Carrots, Radishes, Beets, Turnips:Short and round varieties of these root vegetables are a good choice for containers. Root crops don’t require deep soil, making them ideal for indoor pots or boxes.

Potatoes:While potatoes typically require more space, you can grow them indoors in containers or bags. This method allows for easy monitoring of moisture and disease control.

Onions:Green onions and scallions can be grown indoors, providing a steady supply of fresh, mild onion flavor.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (5)


Arugula, Mustard Greens, Radish Microgreens, etc.:Microgreens are nutrient-dense and grow quickly, making them an excellent choice for your indoor gardening journey.

They are ready to harvest in just a few weeks and add a burst of flavor and color to salads and dishes.

Pea Shoots:Pea shoots are sweet and tender, and they can be grown indoors to enhance the visual appeal and flavor of your dishes.

Beet Greens:Beet greens are not only tasty but also visually appealing like many house plants boasting vibrant red stems and green leaves.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Tips

The best way to choose which plants would make a great addition to your indoor garden is to consider the growing space and plant needs.

Vegetable Plants

Tomatoes and Peppers

These plants require plenty of direct sunlight, at least 6-8 hours per day. Place them near a south-facing window or provide supplemental grow lights. Water them consistently, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged.

If you find that yourtomato plants are turning yellow, check out this guide for solutions, and if yourpepper plants are turning yellow.

Spinach, Cucumbers, Peas, and Kale

These leafy greens thrive with moderate to bright indirect sunlight. Water them regularly, ensuring that the soil remains consistently damp but not soggy.

To nurture them, maintain consistent moisture in the soil without allowing it to become overly saturated. If you observe any changes in their color or health, you can find helpful guidance onhow to fix cucumber leaves turning yellow.


Basil, Parsley, Cilantro, Chives, Mint, Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Sage, and Dill

Most herbs prefer bright indirect light. Place them near a window with good sunlight exposure or use grow lights. Water these herbs when the top inch of soil feels dry.

It’s crucial not to overwater, as herbs are susceptible to root rot.

Root Vegetables

Carrots, Radishes, Beets, Turnips, Potatoes, and Onions

These root vegetables need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily, although they can tolerate some shade. Ensure the soil is well-draining and keep it consistently moist but not waterlogged, this is especially important for root vegetable care.

Growing space is another concern as thinning is essential for root vegetables like carrots and radishes to allow room for growth.


Arugula, Mustard Greens, Radish Microgreens, Broccoli Microgreens, Cilantro Microgreens, Sunflower Microgreens, Pea Shoots, and Beet Greens

Microgreens require strong indirect light or partial sunlight. They can be grown on a sunny windowsill or under fluorescent grow lights.

Water them gently to keep the soil consistently moist but not soaked. Mist the surface lightly to maintain humidity and avoid adding excess water to the potting soil.

Remember that the specific lighting and watering requirements can vary based on factors such as the plant variety, the size of your containers, and the environmental conditions in your indoor space.

Regularly monitor your plants and adjust your care routine accordingly to ensure healthy growth and a bountiful harvest of leafy greens and vegetables.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (6)

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Starting from Seed

It’s a good idea to begin by choosing high-quality seeds from reputable suppliers or seed catalogs. Look for seeds that are well-packaged and labeled with the plant variety, planting instructions, and the date of packaging.

Choose seeds based on the available space and lighting conditions in your indoor garden. Some plants, like microgreens, are well-suited for smaller containers and lower-light environments, while others, like tomatoes, may require more space and brighter light.

Start your seeds in seed trays, peat pots, or small containers filled with a seed-starting mix, and ensure the containers have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Keep the seed-starting mix consistently moist but not waterlogged. Many seeds germinate best at specific temperatures, so check the seed packet for recommended temperature ranges.

Consider using a heating mat to maintain warm temperatures for your seeds to germinate.

While some seeds can germinate without much light, most benefit from indirect or supplemental light as soon as they sprout.

Provide adequate light based on the specific needs of your plants. As seedlings grow, they’ll require more light to prevent them from becoming leggy.

Water seedlings consistently, but be mindful not to overwater, as young plants can be more susceptible to root rot.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (7)

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Supplies

Some of the most important things to keep in mind for healthy plants are lighting, watering, and possibly a liquid fertilizer.

Understanding and effectively managing these factors is crucial for the success of your indoor garden, as they directly impact the growth, vitality, and overall well-being of your plants.

Containers and Potting Mix

Match the pot size to the plant’s needs. Larger plants require a larger pot to accommodate their root systems, provide stability, and ensure sufficient space for growth.

Conversely, small plants, like herbs or microgreens, thrive in smaller containers that prevent overwatering and promote compact growth. So choosing the right size for your plants is crucial to their overall health.

The quality and composition of your potting mix are essential for the well-being of your plants.

Invest in a high-quality potting mix or create your own by blending components such as peat moss, perlite, and organic matter (compost or well-rotted manure).

A good potting mix ensures adequate drainage, aeration, and nutrient retention.

Different plant species have varying soil requirements. Some may prefer well-draining, sandy soil, while others thrive in moisture-retentive mixes.

Tailor your potting mix to meet the specific needs of your plants. Research the preferences of the plants you’re cultivating to ensure they receive the right growing medium.

Adjusting Soil Acidity:If your plants require more acidic soil, learnhow to make soil more acidic naturally.

Adding Nitrogen:To enhance the nitrogen content of your soil, especially for plants that thrive on it, discover cost-effective methods by learningcheap ways to add nitrogen to the soil. Nitrogen is essential for leafy growth, making it crucial for vegetables like lettuce and spinach.

Altering Soil Alkalinity:For plants that prefer alkaline soil, learnhow to make soil more alkaline.

Watering and Self-Watering

Water Needs: Be attentive to your plant’s water needs; some plants require less water, while others need more. Self-watering containers can help regulate moisture levels.

Hydroponic Gardens: If you’re into hydroponic growing, invest in a hydroponic system that provides essential nutrients directly to plant roots, using water tanks and a controlled environment. Hydroponic gardening systems can offer the ideal environment for plants if your home is especially dry.

For commercial options or an avid gardener with lots of seed money, you may want to check out theAgroSci HygroWall Vertical Indoor Garden Hydroponic Growing System.

It’s self-sufficient with built-in LED lights, fans, and a water tank, all controlled through a convenient phone app but it isn’t cheap! These systems make indoor gardening for beginners really easy but as I mentioned, they can be pretty pricey.

So I would recommend starting small with a more affordableindoor hydroponics growing systemthat comes with everything you need to get started, including the fluorescent lights.

These indoor growing systems are compact enough to fit on a countertop, and they come equipped with high-end LED lights that emit red, blue, and white light specifically tailored to support plant growth.

These lights offer different modes, including veggie and fruit/flower modes, enabling you to optimize conditions for your plants – blue light promotes lush foliage, while red light encourages flowering and fruit production.


Slow-Release Fertilizers: Consider slow-release fertilizers or organic options to provide essential nutrients for healthy plant growth. Securing an adequate supply of nutrients for your indoor garden plants is a key factor in achieving sustained success.

While certain potting soils may come with nutrient enhancements, these nutrients are typically depleted within a couple of months. That’s where slow-release fertilizers shine, as they remain effective for several months before necessitating another application.

For a sustainable and eco-friendly approach, you might want to explore using kitchen waste in your gardening routine.

Discover how you can repurpose items likeeggshells for the benefit of your tomato plantshere.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (8)


Indoor gardeners often rely on artificial lighting to supplement natural light, especially during the cold temperatures of the winter months.

Different plants have varying light requirements based on factors like their growing season, available space, and whether you’re using hydroponics or soil-based methods.

For instance, herbs in an indoor garden may thrive under shop lights, while fruiting plants like tomatoes need full sun and warmth.

Your choice of lighting system should consider cost, energy consumption, and light quality, such as fluorescent bulbs, compact metal halide lights, or LED grow lights.

You will also want to consider the type of indoor garden you grow as well as the natural sunlight requirements of each plant.

Beginners can opt for indoor gardening kits such as the Smart Garden which may be the easiest way to provide enough light for your living space.

Remember that the best thing you can do as a new indoor gardener is to create the right conditions for your chosen plants.

Providing the right space, light, water, and nutrients will go a long way in ensuring the health and vitality of your indoor garden.

Enjoy the process, and don’t forget that gardening indoors can be a rewarding and sustainable hobby, providing you with fresh fruits, herbs, and salad greens throughout the year, even in the coldest winter months.


Indoor plants, despite the controlled environment they inhabit, are not impervious to the presence of pests, and effectively managing these unwelcome intruders indoors can present a unique set of challenges.

Among the most frequently encountered pests that can afflict indoor plants, three prominent culprits are spider mites, mealybugs, and fungus gnats.

Spider Mites

These minuscule arachnids are notorious for their capacity to inflict damage on indoor plants. Often invisible to the naked eye, spider mites feed on plant juices, leaving behind a stippled, pale, or discolored appearance on the foliage.

Infestations can escalate rapidly, particularly in dry indoor conditions.


Mealybugs, with their cotton-like, waxy exteriors, are another common indoor plant nuisance. These soft-bodied insects tend to cluster in the crevices of plants, where they feed on sap. Their presence can be detected by the sticky honeydew they excrete, which can attract ants and sooty mold.

Mealybugs can weaken plants by draining their vital fluids.

Fungus Gnats

These tiny, dark-colored flies are often seen hovering around indoor plants and can become quite a nuisance. Fungus gnat larvae inhabit the potting soil and feed on organic matter and plant roots. While adult fungus gnats are more of an annoyance, their larval stage can impair plant growth and vigor.

If your indoor garden faces this problem, you may want to learnhow to get rid of fungus gnats on houseplants.

Controlling these pests in an indoor environment necessitates a proactive approach that considers the well-being of your beloved plants.

Regularly inspecting your indoor plants for signs of infestation is a crucial first step.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (9)


Different plant varieties have distinct humidity requirements that you should consider to ensure their optimal growth and health. Here’s a breakdown of the plant’s needs when it comes to humidity.

These plants typically thrive in moderate humidity levels, which can be achieved in most indoor environments. Aim for a humidity range of around 40% to 60%.

However, during their growth stages, especially when they are young seedlings, slightly higher humidity levels (around 60% to 70%) can be beneficial to encourage robust growth.

Most herbs prefer moderate to high humidity levels. Aim for a range of 50% to 70% humidity to keep them thriving.

Herbs like basil and mint, in particular, tend to appreciate higher humidity, which can help prevent leaf wilting and promote lush growth.

Root vegetables, being more focused on the soil, are less sensitive to humidity levels. They can tolerate a wider range of humidity conditions.

Aim for a standard indoor humidity level of around 40% to 60%, which should suffice for healthy growth.

Microgreens require moderate humidity levels, usually in the range of 50% to 60%.

Consistent humidity helps keep the delicate microgreens hydrated and promotes their tender growth.

It’s essential to monitor your indoor gardening space and adjust humidity levels as needed, especially if you notice signs of stress in your plants, such as wilting or browning.

Additionally, consider using a hygrometer to measure humidity accurately, as it can help you maintain the ideal conditions for your specific plants.

You could also incorporate aDIY plant humidifierto remedy the issue of dry air in your home.

Congratulations! You’ve now laid the foundation for your indoor gardening adventure. Armed with the knowledge to select the right plants, cater to their lighting and watering needs, and overcome common challenges like pests and humidity, you’re well on your way to creating a lush, thriving indoor garden paradise.

If you liked this guide to indoor gardening for beginners, consider signing up for the free newsletter and following along on Pinterest so you never miss another gardening guide again.

About the Author

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (10)

The Hobby Wife

Greenhouse and backyard gardener, devoted homemaker, and passionate recipe creator. My journey through life revolves around my unwavering love for food and travel. As a passionate cook, I blend my garden's bounty with culinary finesse and inspiration from my travels. From farm-to-table homestyle dishes to copycat recipes that offer something unique, my kitchen is a canvas where flavors harmonize and ingredients tell stories.

Indoor Gardening for Beginners Complete Guide - The Hobby Wife (2024)


How do you start an indoor garden for beginners? ›

How to Start an Indoor Garden
  1. Place one to two inches of organic potting soil into your container. ...
  2. Scatter seeds over the surface of the soil. ...
  3. Now, you'll want to cover your seeds with a thin layer of soil. ...
  4. Put the container with your seeds into a drip tray, and give your seeds a gentle shower.

What foods can be grown indoors? ›

Given the right care (see below!), these edible plants will grow beautifully indoors:
  • Lettuce. This veggie grows quickly and easily, even in low light. ...
  • Tomatoes. ...
  • Peppers. ...
  • Chives. ...
  • Spinachor Swiss chard. ...
  • Kale. ...
  • Radishes, beets, and carrots. ...
  • Microgreens.

How do you layout a garden for beginners? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

What is the fastest fruit to grow indoors? ›


Strawberries are a favorite for many, and the good news is they can be among the fastest fruits to grow indoors. While traditionally strawberries might take longer to fruit from seeds, certain varieties, like the Alpine strawberries, can produce fruits in as little as 4-6 weeks when conditions are right.

What is the best soil for indoor vegetable garden? ›

Use Premium Potting Soil

Potting mixes aren't as dense as garden soil, and provide good drainage and air flow. Another great option is Miracle-Gro® Moisture Control® Potting Mix, which helps protect plants against over- and under-watering.

Which vegetables works most in pots? ›

Some of the vegetables available in varieties adapted to container gardening include:
  • Kohlrabi.
  • Lettuce.
  • Green onions.
  • Peppers.
  • Radishes.
  • Bush squash.
  • Swiss chard.
  • Dwarf tomatoes.

What is the best garden for beginners? ›

“I recommend summer squash or zucchini, bush beans, cucumbers, lettuce and cherry tomatoes,” Awot-Traut says. “It is really hard to fail with a cherry tomato.” Some plants are a bit more finicky, Kemper says. Broccoli and onions, for example, aren't plants he suggests to newbies.

What is the first thing a gardener sits in a garden? ›

The first thing a gardener typically puts in the garden is soil or a growing medium. The quality and composition of the soil are essential for plant health and growth. Gardeners may prepare the soil by amending it with compost, organic matter, or other nutrients to improve its fertility and structure.

What vegetables should a first-time gardener? ›

Beets, lettuce, kale, cucumbers, peas, radishes, cherry tomatoes and green beans are some of the easiest vegetables for beginners to grow. Summer and winter squash are also good choices for first-time gardeners.

What is the easiest plant to grow indoors? ›

15 Easy Indoor Plants for Beginners
  1. MONSTERA. Monstera spp. Low to medium light. ...
  2. SPIDER PLANT. Chlorophytum comosum. Medium to high light. ...
  3. POTHOS. Epipremnum spp. ...
  4. PHILODENDRON. Philodendron spp. ...
  5. RUBBER PLANT. Ficus elastica. ...
  6. CHINESE EVERGREEN. Aglaonema commutatum. ...
  7. PRAYER PLANT. Calathea spp. ...
  8. CRASSULA. Crassula spp.

How to start an indoor garden? ›

6 Expert Tips to Create a DIY Indoor Garden
  1. Find the right space for your DIY indoor garden. ...
  2. Choose vegetables and herbs that thrive indoors. ...
  3. Make sure there's adequate sunlight. ...
  4. Water less for a successful DIY indoor garden. ...
  5. Take proper care of your plants by using the correct soil.
May 8, 2020

What is the best flowering plant to grow indoors? ›

African Violet

Among the easiest indoor flowering plants you can grow, African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) bloom several times a year with little effort from you. They come in hundreds of varieties, some with variegated foliage or ruffled or white-edged blooms.

When should you start your indoor garden? ›

start indoors. General rule of thumb for most varieties is to start seeds six weeks before the last frost. Know your growing zone.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.