When it comes to ear cleaning, be gentle and consider leaving it to the professionals.
The general consensusthat we shouldn’t insert objects like cotton swabs into the ear canalis good advice, but many people disregard it because they feel they have to clean their ears somehow. So how should you do it? Read on to find out.
Earwax: what it does and where it comes from
The human ear is divided into three sections: the outer, middle, and inner ear. The main parts of the outer ear are the pinna and canal. Within the canal is the tympanic membrane, also known as the eardrum. Beyond the eardrum is the middle ear, a small area containing the ossicles that transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear, and the inner ear is home to the snail-shaped organ (cochlea) that sends sound information to the brain.
Earwax is excreted by special glands on the outer part of the ear canal. Its job is to trap debris and microbes before they can travel deeper into the ear. It keeps the skin hydrated and healthy, prevents itching, and repels water. Anyone who has ever had swimmer’s ear can appreciate the protective effects of earwax!
Should you clean your ears?
Because earwax is produced in the outer part of the ear, there is no need to deep clean your ear canals at all. When a blockage does occur and puts pressure on the eardrum, it’s usually because a cotton swab or other object has forced it in deeper than it should be. Earwax naturally travels outward due to the motion of the jaw when talking and eating. It can then be easily washed off with a warm cloth in the shower. As tempting as it may be to dig out the wax before this happens, resist the temptation to swab. You’ll be glad you did.
Some unlucky people do experience an overproduction of earwax and can feel plugged up or experience partial hearing loss due to buildup. In that case, there are a few different solutions. Place a few drops of a body-safe oil in the ear canal to soften the wax and make it easier to
remove. Suitable oils are:
- Baby
- Mineral
- Almond
- Olive
- Coconut
- Jojoba
Antiseptics such as rubbing alcohol and hydrogen/carbamide peroxide can also help remove wax, but be very careful with these because they can have harsh side effects. Alcohol dries out the skin and exacerbates itching, while peroxide can leave the ears wet, which encourages bacterial growth. If any of these substances cause pain, make an appointment with your doctor right away, as this may indicate a perforated eardrum or other injury.
Over-the-counter earwax removal drops are another option, but be advised that many of these are simply repackaged oils or peroxide solutions. It is often cheaper and more practical to make your own. If there is a history of tympanic membrane perforations, pain, or ear drainage, this is not the recommended treatment and should be avoided.
When is it time to consult a professional?
Anytime you suspect an injury or health condition involving the ears you should make an appointment with an audiologist or ENT. Hearing loss, tinnitus, pain, and fullness in the ears all warrant an investigation. Doctors use a special instrument called a curette to gently remove earwax (also known as cerumen). This may be necessary if the buildup is due to a physical condition such as a narrow ear canal. It’s important that a professional do this for you. Don’t be tempted by digital otoscopes, irrigation kits, or ear candles. They are easy to misuse and can lead to injury.
Earwax is one of the body’s most underappreciated defense mechanisms. Take care of your hearing by being gentle with your ears and letting earwax do its job. If you’re experiencing symptoms of buildup, call now to schedule a consultation and cleaning. We’re here to help!
When it comes to ear cleaning, be gentle and consider leaving it to the professionals. The general consensus that we shouldn't insert objects like cotton swabs into the ear canal is good advice, but many people disregard it because they feel they have to clean their ears somehow.
What dissolves ear wax immediately? ›
If the aim is to completely break down the wax, waxsol, peroxide 3% or a sodium bicarbonate solution (which can be prepared by your local pharmacist) is effective.
How do I get wax out of my ear so I can hear? ›
Soften and loosen the earwax with warm mineral oil. You also can try hydrogen peroxide mixed with an equal amount of room temperature water. Place 2 drops of the fluid, warmed to body temperature, in the ear two times a day for up to 5 days.
How to get earwax out of hearing aid? ›
Hold the hearing aid face down and use the cleaning brush to lightly remove any earwax or debris from the outer portions of the device. Be sure to include the receiver, microphone covers, and ventilation parts. Use a wax loop or pick to remove any wax buildup or debris that did not come off with the brushing.
How do you get rid of ear wax for better hearing? ›
In particular, experts disagree on the ability of ear syringing to improve hearing, and some are concerned that the procedure can have adverse effects such as tympanic membrane damage or promotion of infection.
What draws wax out of your ear? ›
Earwax removal tips
Instead, soak a cotton ball and drip a few drops of plain water, a simple saline solution, or hydrogen peroxide into the ear with your head tilted so the opening of the ear is pointing up. Keep it in that position for a minute to allow gravity to pull the fluid down through the wax.
How do you force ear wax out? ›
To remove earwax build-up:
- Lie on your side with the affected ear facing up.
- Put 2 to 3 drops of olive or almond oil in your ear – do not use almond oil if you're allergic to almonds.
- Continue to lie on your side for 5 to 10 minutes after putting in the oil.
- Repeat 3 to 4 times a day, for 3 to 5 days.
How to open a blocked ear at home? ›
If your ears are plugged, try swallowing, yawning or chewing sugar-free gum to open your eustachian tubes. If this doesn't work, take a deep breath and try to blow out of your nose gently while pinching your nostrils closed and keeping your mouth shut. If you hear a popping noise, you know you have succeeded.
How do you get rid of earwax in 30 seconds? ›
Soak a cotton ball with the hydrogen peroxide. Tilt your head and drip the peroxide into your ear. You may hear it fizz as it tries to dissolve the earwax. After about 30 seconds, drain your ear onto a washcloth.
What kills earwax? ›
A common method for earwax removal is to add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to a damp cotton ball and apply it to the affected ear. Hydrogen peroxide is a common antiseptic. A person can also use a clean eyedropper to drip the solution into the ear canal.
You can remove earwax at home using 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Tilt your head to the side and drip 5 to 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide into your ear. Keep your head tilted to the side for 5 minutes to allow the peroxide to penetrate the wax.
Can an audiologist clean out ear wax? ›
Find an Audiologist. If your ears have a full-like or clogged sensation, you may have an ear wax blockage. Find an audiologist near you to help remove your blockage and to put an at-home plan in place for ear wax removal.
How do you remove ear wax without Q tips? ›
Lifestyle and home remedies
- Soften the wax. Use an eyedropper to apply a few drops of baby oil, mineral oil, glycerin or hydrogen peroxide in your ear canal.
- Use warm water. After a day or two, when the wax is softened, use a rubber-bulb syringe to gently squirt warm water into your ear canal. ...
- Dry your ear canal.
What melts ear wax? ›
Hydrogen peroxide is a cerumenolytic. This means that it softens, loosens, dissolves and breaks down earwax. This treatment should only be completed under the guidance or at the direction of a health care professional who will direct you on proper use, including the number of drops and length of time.
How to scoop out earwax? ›
Step 1: Always wash thoroughly with alcohol or soap and water before and after using, especially if multiple people are using these tools. Step 2: Slowly insert the scoop ear wax remover into your ear canal. Step 3: Gently scoop your ear canal wall to loosen the ear wax clinging on the wall.
How to flush out ear wax? ›
If ear cleaning drops don't work, the ears might need flushing with a bulb syringe, which are available at drug stores or grocery stores. You'll want to fill the syringe with warm water, place it near your ear opening, and carefully squeeze the bulb. The warm water will flood your ear and break up the wax.
How do you make ear wax come out faster? ›
Lifestyle and home remedies
- Soften the wax. Use an eyedropper to apply a few drops of baby oil, mineral oil, glycerin or hydrogen peroxide in your ear canal.
- Use warm water. After a day or two, when the wax is softened, use a rubber-bulb syringe to gently squirt warm water into your ear canal. ...
- Dry your ear canal.
Can you pour peroxide in your ear to clean it? ›
Hydrogen peroxide is a solution (liquid) that can be used to treat ear infections or the build-up of wax. It is generally safe to use in all ears. Do not use if it irritates you or causes pain. You can buy 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide from your local chemist – no prescription is required.
Does rubbing alcohol dissolve ear wax? ›
Antiseptics such as rubbing alcohol and hydrogen/carbamide peroxide can also help remove wax, but be very careful with these because they can have harsh side effects. Alcohol dries out the skin and exacerbates itching, while peroxide can leave the ears wet, which encourages bacterial growth.