How to Build a Raised Garden Bed: Best Kits and DIY Plans (2024)

So you want to build raised garden beds and you’re wondering which system is best for you. Should you go with a pre-fab kit or start from scratch? Here’s what you need to know.

There’s no question that raised beds are popular for a reason. Not only do they look stunning in a backyard garden, they also ease the workload that comes with maintaining traditional, in-ground beds. Unfortunately some raised bed systems are costly to buy and time consuming to install. But not all raised bed systems are the same.

Whether you’re handy with tools or don’t know a drill press from a driver, there are kits on the market that are easy to build with little time or expense. There are also do-it-yourself options if you have the time or the inclination.

So why should you bother assembling or building a raised bed garden?

Benefits of raised bed gardening

There are a lot of great reasons to build raised beds that contain and protect your garden soil.

Less tilling

Raised garden beds require less tilling than traditional, in-ground beds. Instead of digging up a compacted bed year after year, many gardeners add compost and other soil amendments to the top of their elevated beds in fall, then let nature do the rest over the dormant season. This is a good practice for both soil and plants.

Easier on your back

Bending, stooping, and kneeling can all take its toll on your back and joints. Raised bed designs come in a variety of heights to make reaching your crops less stressful on your body over time.

Nice to look at

In the backyard or the front, a series of raised planters surrounded by paths looks neat and well tended all year round.

Controls weeds and keep out critters

Raised garden boxes are known to deter rabbits, which will handily nibble in-ground crops growing at eye level. They also make it easy to install copper slug ‘fencing’ and other deterrents around the perimeter. Raising your beds also means moving crops away from dogs that may otherwise (ahem) urinate on your garden. If you have weed problems, you can install a weed barrier beneath your bed’s soil at installation time to ensure invasive weeds or tree roots don’t invade the bed.

Improves drainage

If your garden soil is normally wet into springtime, elevated beds solve this problem by lifting the soil above ground level and giving your plant roots room to breathe.

Offers a head start on the growing season

Raised beds filled with nutrient rich, organic soil warm faster in spring due to their elevation away from the cold ground—and their improved drainage. In this way, beds built 12 inches deep or more have the added benefit of giving plants a longer growing season.

For more benefits, see 10 Reasons to Add Raised Garden Beds to Your Garden.

Pre-fab raised garden bed kits

If you don’t have the time or resources to muster the raw materials for building a raised garden bed from scratch, you can purchase one of the easy-to-assemble kits on the market. In this case, your first consideration should be the type of materials available and how quickly and easily they go together.

Natural wood

Some of the least expensive kits are made from raw, natural wood or wood treated with natural wood stabilizers. (Avoid pressure treated lumber.) Cedar is the most common wood used for raised beds because of its durability and resistance to rot. It’s also lighter to handle than many other woods. Two cedar boxed garden systems that assemble in minutes are detailed below.

Farm Style Raised Garden Beds

These easy-to-assemble beds are made from Vermont white cedar. Stack them together in minutes without tools, fill with soil, and your garden is ready to go. They will last for many years and weather to a soft, silver grey.

Natural Cedar Beds

Like the kit above, these beds are made from natural cedar and assemble in minutes without tools (unless you opt for the version that includes trim). The main difference is that the boards in this system are Oregon incense cedar treated with a natural silica-based stabilizer. Both kits come in a variety of sizes and shapes.

Composite lumber

Next in terms of price are kits made from a blend of hardwood fibers and post-consumer recycled plastic. Approved for organic growing, these kits are durable, light, long lasting, and easy to assemble. They also resemble natural grain wood in color and texture. The reason they cost a little more? Wood composite is warp resistant and maintenance free. They will look the same for years without interventions.

Composite Raised Garden Bed

This composite bed takes about thirty minutes to put together. Assembly involves sliding each timber into a joint and fastening with zinc-plated screws (provided with the kit). The joints each have stake that needs pressing into the ground.

Recycled plastic

Another type of raised garden kit is made from recycled plastic. These kits are extremely long lasting and share the same low maintenance features as the composite lumber beds above.

Recycled Plastic Raised Garden Beds

These beds are made from 100% HDPE (high density polyethylene) plastic, the same material that you find in high quality garden furniture and public picnic tables. They are easy to assemble in about 20 minutes and don’t require any tools to put together. They’re also available in five colors, which means you can match them to your backyard décor for a seamless blend. Each non-toxic color includes UV protection to minimize fading over time. And speaking of time, these kits come with a 50 year warranty, which is pretty hard to match.


The final type of raised garden kit on the market is made from aluminum. These are easy to assemble, maintenance free and look great in modern garden spaces.

Aluminum raised garden bed kits from Everlast

Perfect for any climate, these aluminum bed kits go together in less than half an hour. They’re made from 12-gauge, reinforced aluminum, so they’ll never suffer from rot or pest damage. They’re also UV protected and available in a range of finishes.
How to Build a Raised Garden Bed: Best Kits and DIY Plans (5)

While there is no clear winner in terms of materials, wood beds biodegrade at the end of their lifespan, meaning no waste gets left behind. That biodegradable capacity means they won’t last as long as synthetic materials, however, so if durability is your goal, a composite, aluminum or recycled plastic bed is a good alternative option.

For more discussion about the merits of different raised bed materials, read our article Cedar vs. Recycled Plastic vs. Composite Raised Garden Beds

DIY home-built raised beds

Building your own elevated garden boxes is a straightforward project for anyone with access to materials, along with the space and skill to fashion the parts. Here are some things to consider before you build your own raised beds.

Best wood choices

As noted above, cedar is one of the most rot resistant woods available. It’s also lightweight enough to handle for one person if dried thoroughly. Other options include black locust and redwood. If these are too expensive in your area, consider using fir or spruce, with the understanding that they will not last as long. You can also ask your local lumberyard what they recommend. Recycled boards repurposed from other projects are another lower cost option, as long as they aren’t treated. Avoid pressure treated wood and pressure treated lumber.

Use standard sizes, starting with 2 x 6 for the most basic bed with good soil underneath, all the way up to 2 x 12 if you need a taller bed for plants with deeper roots. You can also stack your lumber in tiers.

In general, most garden vegetables need 12 – 24” of soil depth to grow, with a few others needing as much as 36” of depth. (For the needs of specific garden crops, see our table of soil depth requirements.) If you have 12” of usable soil beneath your bed, build up another 12-24” to accommodate the crops on your list.

To stain or not to stain

The woods listed above will last a long time (10-20 years depending on your climate), but they will biodegrade eventually. To slow this process, you can treat your boards before building your beds, but be sure to use a non-toxic wood treatment that won’t leach harmful chemicals into your soil—and potentially your plants. Avoid buying pressure-treated or stained wood, unless it’s specifically designed for using in and around garden beds.

Hardware and other materials

Many screws are made from metal that will leach a dark stain onto wood when exposed to moisture. To avoid this, use coated deck screws or stainless steel. Pre-drill all holes to prevent your wood from splitting.

Simplest raised bed corners

To simplify the job even further, you can purchase pre-made anchor joints for your garden box corners. Some models of these brackets feature stakes that can be hammered into the ground, making fastening your corners a breeze.

Bracing your beds with crossbeams

For beds longer than 8’, we recommend installing cross supports to prevent bowing outwards from the weight of your soil. Use ½” aluminum flat stock cut to match the inside width of your bed.

Building raised beds from alternative materials

Concrete blocks, bathtubs, metal feed troughs and even old canoes can all work for instant raised garden beds. Just be sure your creative choices don’t expose your soil and plants to toxic chemicals from paints, stains, or other finishes.

Simplest DIY raised garden bed design and instructions

The following instructions demonstrate how to make a simple raised bed with basic materials. This is the design our founder and his family have used in their garden for over 40 years.

The plans make one 4 x 8’ raised garden bed. You can extend the length to fit your space, but if your bed is going to be longer than 8’, you’ll need to add extra posts mid-span to prevent bowing and to provide a place to secure cross supports. See note above about bracing your beds with crossbeams.

To further strengthen your bed, consider using full dimension lumber, also known as “nominal” lumber. This is lumber cut to the full two inches thick and (in this case) six inches wide, instead of the standard cut you will get if you purchase from a commercial supplier (which will be slightly smaller due to shrinkage and planing). You can buy dimensional or nominal lumber from a local mill.

If you’re building on a slope, see our article about How to Build a Raised Garden Bed on Sloping, Uneven Ground.

How to Build a Raised Garden Bed: Best Kits and DIY Plans (6)

Materials needed:

Four 8’ 2 x 6″ cedar boards
Four 4’ 2 x 6″ cedar boards
Four lengths of 4 x 4″ lumber, cut about 15” long, for corner posts
16-24 coated deck screws, size 3.5”#10

Tools needed:

Hand saw
Carpenter’s square

How to build Your bed

After leveling and clearing the area where your bed will be located, lay out the bottom tier of your beds using two 4’ 2 x 6s, two 8’ 2 x 6s, and your four corner posts. It’s not necessary to cover the ground with landscaping fabric.

Starting with first corner, attach frame to corner post using two screws per side, leveling as you go. Continue with remaining three sides until you have one complete row.

Add the next row of 2 x 6’ boards, screwing to the corner posts as above. Level the entire bed. You may have to dig in places to get your bed to level.

Cut off corner posts flush with top of frame. Smooth ground around bed and fill bed with soil. Now you’re ready to plant!

DIY or kit: which type of raised garden bed is best?

When should I use DIY?

When you have the time and skill to make your own, DIY raised garden beds are often the most economical choice. And while pre-fab kits come in a variety of sizes, you can make DIY beds to fit tricky spaces and unusual depths.

When should I use a pre-fab kit?

If you need your bed to go together quickly, if you don’t have the tools or space to make your own, or if you need a long-lasting plastic or composite system that’s easy to clean and move, a pre-fab kit is the better choice for your situation.

Getting the most from your raised bed garden

Whatever you choose, raised gardens are a satisfying way to grow your own food without the strain and stress on your body. Here are some other tips to remember when using your beds.

  • Fill your beds with the best soil possible. Avoid buying topsoil, since it usually lacks the nutrients and structure needed for gardening. Instead, look for soil labeled “triple mix” (a mix of topsoil, rotted compost, and peat moss) or garden soil. And beware of adding anything to your beds that may contain weed seeds (unprocessed manure, unfinished compost, etc.) It’s not necessary to use landscaping fabric at the bottom of your bed.
  • If the ground beneath your bed has never been used for gardening, you can prepare it by turning over to a depth of about 16 inches deep. This will create better conditions for plant roots that need extra depth to grow.
  • If you live in an area where burrowing pests are a problem, add a layer of hardware cloth (or another fine metal mesh) across the bottom of your garden bed and about 3” up the insides. If other pests affect your area, read How to Keep Animal Pests Out of Your Garden.
  • Avoid compacting your soil once it’s in place. Stepping on the soil will compress the air pockets needed for plant roots to take up water and nutrients. Instead, use a spanner board (a board that spans your bed from edge to edge) if you need to cross. In general, beds that are no more than 4’ across are usually easiest to access.

Editor’s note: this article was originally published in 2019 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Related Reading

  • Here’s How to Grow the Best Food Imaginable in Your Raised Garden Beds
  • Raised Garden Beds: Soil Depth Requirements
  • 6 Tips for Building Soil for Your Raised Garden Beds and Planters
  • Preparing Your Raised Garden Beds for Spring
  • Raised Garden Beds: A Complete Guide
  • How to Build a Bean Trellis for Raised Garden Beds
  • Gardening on Concrete with Raised Beds and Patio Containers
  • Backyard Vegetable Garden: Getting Started (part one of our three-part series)
  • 5 Secrets to a No-Work Garden

Responses (8)

About the Author

Shannon Cowan
The blog editor at, Shannon lives on six acres of land with her husband, daughters, and backyard poultry flock.

How to Build a Raised Garden Bed: Best Kits and DIY Plans (2024)


What do you put in the bottom of a raised garden bed? ›

Layer the bottom with cardboard or newspaper as a weed barrier, which will decompose over time. Then, use a mix of yard waste, leaves, grass clippings, and kitchen scraps layered with soil and compost.

How deep should a raised garden bed be? ›

Vegetable Beds: On the other hand, when it comes to vegetable beds, the bed must be approximately 12 to 18 inches deep to ensure adequate depth for the roots of your plants. This is especially important if your raised bed is placed on cement or the patio, which will inhibit roots from growing deeper into the ground.

What is the best height for a raised garden bed? ›

If the raised bed is on top of a hard surface, the minimum recommended height of 10 inches may not be deep enough for some crops, like potatoes. Young children need beds closer to the ground. For wheelchair access, beds should be 24 inches tall. A bed that is 36 inches off the ground helps avoid excessive bending over.

How many inches does a raised garden bed need to be? ›

A 12-inch raised bed is a great minimum height for growing lots of delicious plants in the kitchen garden. If you want to grow larger vining plants like tomatoes, squash, or zucchini—plants that sprawl and tend to draw a lot of nutrients from the soil as they grow—you might move closer to an 18-inch raised bed.

What is the best thing to line a raised bed with? ›

Newspaper or Cardboard

Even simple, cheap materials can block weed growth from below your garden beds.

Is it cheaper to build or buy a raised bed? ›

On average, a DIY raised bed constructed from wood will cost $25 to $50 per square foot. To have a wooden raised bed constructed and installed for you, budget for at least $100 per square foot. (Find a kitchen garden company in your area.)

What is the longest lasting raised garden bed material? ›

Stone Is the Most Durable Raised Bed Material.

Do you put landscape fabric under raised beds? ›

Landscape fabric is beneficial for raised garden beds, here are just a few of the many reasons why you should use landscape fabric for raised bed gardening: Prevents soil erosion in a raised bed: As a liner, landscape fabric lets water drain away from the soil while leaving the soil intact.

Which vegetables grow best in raised beds? ›

Most garden vegetables will grow well in raised beds. Try growing lettuce, greens, radishes, and strawberries. Bush type vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans also do well in raised beds. You can install trellises for vegetables that need support, like some tomatoes and beans.

How tall should a raised bed be for tomatoes? ›

Eighteen inches is the minimum height needed for plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, and kale—plants that have a bigger root base and need more nutrients and space to spread out. This height also allows for better drainage.

How many bags of soil do I need for a 4x8 raised bed? ›

A 40 qt bag is 1.3(and some) cu ft. 4'x8'x[height] is the volume of your bed. If you assume the height is 1', your volume is 32 cu ft. Divide by 1.3 per bag, and I think you need 24.6 40qt bags, so 25 bags.

Is it cheaper to buy or build raised garden beds? ›

Store-bought raised garden beds come in a variety of sizes and styles, but can be pricey. For those interested in raised bed gardening without the expense, these DIY raised garden beds with step-by-step instructions can be built in a few hours and often for a fraction of the cost of store-bought kits.

What do you layer a raised garden bed with? ›

The smaller pieces are placed on top of the larger pieces to fill space, such as branches and sticks, and then grass clippings, leaves and kitchen scraps. Compost and topsoil are on the top two layers for your raised garden bed so you can start planting as the organic matter beneath decomposes.

Do raised garden beds need drainage? ›

Drainage is an important process when you are growing plants in a container, as poor drainage can cause the soil to become oversaturated or waterlogged, stunting plant growth. Good drainage is necessary when you are using raised garden beds.

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