Free garden planner for beginner gardeners | Home for the Harvest (2024)

Home for the Harvest’s free garden planner will help you create the annual vegetable, herb, or cut flower garden you’ve been dreaming of. Have you always wanted to grow juicy heirloom tomatoes? What about a delightful crop of flowers to share with friends? Maybe a bumper crop of basil for homemade pesto? Let’s get planning!

Here is the download form for the free vegetable garden planner PDF file:

The free garden planner guides you through planning out your whole vegetable garden. It includes an easy step-by-step garden planning process and is supported with gardening tips sent right to your email. Join over 18,000 gardeners who have already downloaded this helpful PDF planner!

Note: If you’d prefer a done-for-you Vegetable Garden Plan, please check out My Shop.

Free garden planner for beginner gardeners | Home for the Harvest (1)

“Planning ahead can help you to get the best results from growing vegetables, put your fantasies into practice, and harvest fresh produce all year round. Thinking about the whole year ahead also helps to spread the workload.”

Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Complete Guide to Natural and Chemical-Free Gardening, by Anna Kruger, Maria Rodale, and Pauline Pears

8 Simple Steps to Garden Planning Success

The free garden planner includes a section for each of the 8 basic steps of starting a garden. The steps include everything from choosing the right things to grow, drawing a proper layout,andscheduling out your crops. Each section in the planner includes a corresponding companion article with detailed background information to support you through each step.

  1. SetYourGardenGoals
  2. FindYourGardenMentor
  3. DiscoverYourGrowingZone
  4. PickYourTypeofGarden
  5. ChooseCropsYou’llLove
  6. DeterminetheRightNumberofPlants
  7. DrawYourGardenMap
  8. CreateYour PlantingCalendar

Once you’ve printed your planner, go through itstep-by-step, referring tothe companion articles for background information. When you finish the steps, you’ll have a handy seed shopping list to keep you on track at seed swaps, a clear garden layout map for when you plant your garden, and an easy-to-follow schedule for when each crop needs to be planted.

I have my garden planner printed on cardstock each year at the office store down the street. The heavier paper keeps nice and sturdy throughout the year. I prefer to keep the pages loose, but I’ve seen some beautiful planners that have been bound at a printing store or tied together with garden twine. Make it your own!

Planning Your Dream Garden

What do you dream of growing in your garden? Take a moment and really think about your dream garden. Imagine it. Take a walk in your imaginary dream garden. It’s hard to make something real without a picture of what you’re looking for.

Here are some of the most popular annual veggie plants to grow in a garden:

Need more inspiration for your veggie garden? Here’s a list of some of the best varieties of garden vegetables to grow.

In addition to vegetables, most gardeners like to add a few annual flowers and herbs to their garden plan. Popular flowers include zinnias, sweet peas, and marigolds. Gourmet gardeners love growing basil, parsley, and cilantro. Without getting overly specific, create an overall goal for your garden this year and write it down in the free garden planner.

Here is a detailed guide to getting clear on your own unique garden goals.

“There are so many possibilities when first starting to grow vegetables that it is helpful to ask yourself a few questions, set priorities, and then plan accordingly. Would you like to produce staple vegetables, or unusual types not easily available in stores? Do you have facilities to store vegetables over winter? …How much time do you have to spare?”

Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Complete Guide to Natural and Chemical-Free Gardening, by Anna Kruger, Maria Rodale, and Pauline Pears

Gardeners Love Helping Gardeners

You’re not in this alone! Fortunately, there are a ton of resources for both planning and growing a garden.

Here are some places to look for extra help if you’re feeling like the support would be helpful:

  • State co-operative extension office (USA)
  • Local seed companies, garden centres, and plant nurseries
  • Regional gardening club or permaculture group
  • Facebook groups about gardening
  • Quora, Twitter, and other online forums
  • Online gardening courses!

There are people in every town who know the ins and outs of gardening in their area. Ask about when the last frost date has occurred during the past few springtime seasons (and write it down in your free garden planner!). Inquire about what grows really well where you live. A little bit of local insight goes a long way in the garden!

Here is a detailed guide on finding mentorship for your gardening journey.

Free garden planner for beginner gardeners | Home for the Harvest (2)

Plan Your Garden For Your Local Climate

My worst “gardening fails” seem to happen when I try to grow things that just don’t love my local climate. Knowing your local growing zone is key to choosing plants that will thrive in your garden.

If you already know your growing zone – great! If not, here is an article that will help you determine your local growing zone.

“There exists no stronger connection with the living soil, the earth, and the changing season than eating food you yourself have sown, nurtured, and harvested.”

Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Complete Guide to Natural and Chemical-Free Gardening, by Anna Kruger, Maria Rodale, and Pauline Pears

Choose a Garden Type (or Types)

Outdoor plants are generally planted directly in the ground or in container pots. Raised beds, which are like giant container gardens, are a very nice happy-medium type of garden. Consider what will work best for you (and remember you can mix and mingle containers with in-ground plants!).

In-ground gardens will need to be measured so you can get an estimate of the amount of growing space you have available. You’ll also need a soil test. If you’re using containers, consider how much space you have available for them. Use this information to fill in Step 4 of the Free Garden Planner.

Remember that most annual garden plants do like some sun. Also, keep in mind that waterlogged ground is not good for vegetables. Try container gardening or raised beds instead of fighting the natural tendencies of the area. Here is a detailed article on the pros and cons of different types of garden structures.

Free garden planner for beginner gardeners | Home for the Harvest (3)

Choose Crops For Your Annual Garden

Now it’s time to get specific about what plants you’ll grow in your garden this year. I love this advice from gardening expert Margaret Roach:

“To try to get real and filter “everything” down to “doable,” I list what I enjoy eating most often and most of all, which may still be too many things to fit in my available space.”

A Way To Garden: A Hands-On Primer For Every Season, by Margaret Roach

Also, be realistic about the conditions of your garden. Do you have wonderful loamy soil? Or is it more like heavy clay? Will your plants bask in the morning sun….or is it more of a full shade situation. Be real with yourself about the environment and conditions in which your plants will be growing before getting your heart set on a certain thing.

“Deep shade will severely limit the growth of vegetables, but some can tolerate light shade, including lettuce, chard, beets, and kohlrabi.”

Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Complete Guide to Natural and Chemical-Free Gardening, by Anna Kruger, Maria Rodale, and Pauline Pears

And one more thing – WRITE IT DOWN! There is a nice page in the free garden planner for you to write down the crops you’ve decided to grow in your garden. This page will become your shopping list when it comes time to buy seeds or go shopping for seedling plants.

  • Here is a detailed guide to choosing what to grow in your seasonal garden.
  • Here are some of the best varieties of common vegetables to grow.

Ok, ONE more tip – Do not be intimidated by botanical Latin. Every single plant has a fancy Latin botanical name. Go ahead and write ’em down. Try and speak them to the staff at the nursery. Above all, don’t worry about your pronunciation of botanical Latin. It’s only written language anyways! Go for it. There is no “correct pronunciation”.

“Botanical Latin, it turns out, isn’t a real spoken language at all, not the mother tongue of ancient Rome, but a system of nomenclature (or naming) invented by Carl von Linne, also known as Linnaeus, in 1753.”

A Way To Garden: A Hands-On Primer For Every Season, by Margaret Roach

Figuring Out How Many Plants Will Fit In Your Garden

I didn’t estimate how many plants I’d need for my first few gardens. Then I came to know the pain of finding exactly the right thing to grow….and not buying enough. Seeds and seedlings are generally only processed and sold once each year. Don’t be like beginner-me. Make sure you buy enough!!!

The free garden planner includes a workbook section to help you figure out how many plants will fit in your garden. Also, check out this detailed post on determining the right number of plants for your annual garden.

Tip – Varieties that have been bred to be “mini” or “baby” often do well with very close spacing and are perfect for space-restricted gardens.

Drawing A Garden Layout Map In Your Planner

Oooh, now the fun really starts! Drawing a layout map of my garden makes me so happy each and every off-season. Nothing is better than imagining rows upon rows of heirloom tomatoes when your days are full of shoveling rows upon rows of snow. Ugh. I dream of tomatoes.

The free garden planner will guide you through the process of drawing a layout map for your annual garden. There’s also this detailed article all about how to draw a veggie garden layout map.

Free garden planner for beginner gardeners | Home for the Harvest (4)

Make A Calendar For Your Garden Crops

Now that you know what you’re growing, how many of them you’re growing, and where they’re going to go, it’s time to decide when to start growing them! Each crop has a different lifespan from seed germination to harvest. Make a calendar in your free garden planner so you remember when to plant each crop and when that crop is estimated to be ready for harvest.

Some leafy greens can be planted outside while it’s still frosty and will be ready to harvest at the beginning of summer. Big heirloom tomatoes might not be ripe until after the kids go back to school in September!

Use the information on the seed packets, seedling labels, and in this article about how to make a schedule for your annual garden.

“Whether you grow vegetables in a community garden with the companionship of other gardeners of in the seclusion of your own yard, nurturing your own crops to harvest can provide a peaceful, satisfying, and healthy respite from the stresses and strains of everyday life.”

Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Complete Guide to Natural and Chemical-Free Gardening, by Anna Kruger, Maria Rodale, and Pauline Pears

Using The Free Garden Planner Throughout The Year

If you’ve followed along using the free garden planner, you’ll now have a basic plan for this year’s garden! Keep your garden planner handy throughout the season to jot down notes and observations. Weather patterns, fertilizer applications, and the timing of various garden maintenance tasks can be hard to recall. There will be lots of things to remember for next year’s garden plan.

“Growing vegetables organically is a positive, empowering, rewarding, and (for some) spiritual experience. Above all it is deeply satisfying, enjoyable, and fundamental to our very existence, with many health benefits.”

Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Complete Guide to Natural and Chemical-Free Gardening, by Anna Kruger, Maria Rodale, and Pauline Pears

More Resources

  • My list of the Best Vegetable Varieties To Grow is a shortlist of top-performing veggies.
  • If you’re growing in raised beds, consider some of the Best Vegetables For Raised Beds.
  • If you just want a done-for-you garden plan, check out my digital products in My Shop.
Free garden planner for beginner gardeners | Home for the Harvest (2024)


How to draw a garden plan on the computer for free? ›

Draw Your Own Garden Plan Without Expensive Garden Design...
  1. Step 1: Create a grid. Basically, I use an Excel spreadsheet like it is graph paper and just draw out my plan to scale. ...
  2. Step 2: Insert a photo if you have one. ...
  3. Step 3: Draw in the hardscapes. ...
  4. Step 4: Putting in some details. ...
  5. Step 5: Planting.

How much is the garden planner? ›

How Much Does It Cost?
Subscription LengthCost
Annual Automatically Recurring Subscription$35
1 Year Subscription$50
2 Year Subscription$85

What is the most efficient garden layout? ›

Square foot gardening is an efficient and space-saving technique that involves dividing your garden into small, manageable squares. Each square is typically one foot by one foot and is planted with a specific number of plants depending on their size.

What is the first step in planning a garden? ›

Plan Your First Vegetable Garden in 5 Easy Steps
  1. Step 1: Find Your Garden's Vegetable-Growing Sweet Spot. Make time to prowl round your garden just observing. ...
  2. Step 2: Get Down and Dirty With Your Soil. ...
  3. Step 3: Plan Your Garden Beds. ...
  4. Step 4: Choose Vegetables That Will Succeed. ...
  5. Step 5: Dig It – or Don't.
Mar 19, 2020

How do I design my garden online for free? ›

If you have big dreams for your garden, bring them to life with Gardena's free online planning tool. After listening to aspiring gardeners for many years, Gardena has created the myGarden planner, to make gardener's lives easier with a simple, easy-to-use garden design too. And best of all, it's absolutely free!

What apps can I use to design my garden? ›

iScape is the No. 1 app for landscape design. We are here to help you create beautiful outdoor living areas. Whether you're an Industry Professional, or a DIY Homeowner, iScape has you covered.

What vegetables should not be planted next to each other? ›

14 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together—Gardening Experts Explain Why
  • 01 of 14. Beans and Onions. ...
  • 02 of 14. Tomatoes and Potatoes. ...
  • 03 of 14. Corn and Tomatoes. ...
  • 04 of 14. Tomatoes and Brassicas. ...
  • 05 of 14. Cucumber and Squash. ...
  • 06 of 14. Lettuce and Celery. ...
  • 07 of 14. Fennel and Tomatoes. ...
  • 08 of 14. Peppers and Cabbage.
Jan 16, 2024

What can tomatoes not be planted with? ›

Here are some plants generally considered to be unfriendly in the tomato patch:
  • Corn. Both corn and tomatoes attract the same predatory worm, so when they are placed together, your crops can become a feast for undesirables.
  • Potato. Like corn, the potato shares a potential problem with tomatoes. ...
  • Rosemary. ...
  • Fennel. ...
  • Dill. ...
  • Carrot.

Can tomatoes and cucumbers be planted together? ›

However, because they are both heavy feeders, require a lot of moisture and light, and need adequate space around them to promote healthy air circulation, they may compete. In light of this, if you want to grow cucumbers and tomatoes together, it is best to plant them 45 – 60 cm apart and in separate soil if possible.

How do you layout a garden for beginners? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

What is the first thing a gardener sets in a garden? ›

The first thing a gardener typically puts in the garden is soil or a growing medium. The quality and composition of the soil are essential for plant health and growth. Gardeners may prepare the soil by amending it with compost, organic matter, or other nutrients to improve its fertility and structure.

How to draw house plans on computer free? ›

How to design a house online
  1. Launch Canva. Open Canva Whiteboards or type 'home plans' in the search box to get started on your house design project.
  2. Choose a template. Browse Canva's professionally designed online house plans. ...
  3. Personalize your house design. ...
  4. Draw more details. ...
  5. Save, share, or present.

Is there a free app to design landscape? ›

Free Android or iPad Design App for PRO Landscape Users

PRO Landscape Companion is the 1st Landscape and Garden Design Tablet App for iPad and Android Tablets. Create instant, impressive landscape designs right on your tablet. Nothing makes a faster impression to a potential customer.

How to make a garden in computer? ›

SmartDraw is easy to use because it does so much of the drawing for you. Start with one of hundreds of garden design templates from basic to complex layouts for homes, parks, and office buildings. Add elements such as walls, fencing, trees, shrubs, turf, hardscape, lighting, furnishings, etc.

Is there a free app to draw house plans? ›

There are several free floor plan creators available, depending on your specific needs and preferences. Some of the most popular free options include Planner 5D, RoomSketcher, SketchUp and Floorplanner.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.