Earwax blockage-Earwax blockage - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic (2024)

Earwax blockage that has no symptoms can sometimes clear on its own. However, if you have signs and symptoms of earwax blockage, talk to your health care provider.

Signs and symptoms may signal another condition. There's no way to know if you have too much earwax without having someone, usually your health care provider, look in your ears. Having signs and symptoms, such as earache or hearing loss, doesn't always mean you have wax buildup. You may have another health condition that needs attention.

Wax removal is most safely done by a health care provider. Your ear canal and eardrum are delicate and can be damaged easily. Don't try to remove earwax yourself by putting anything in your ear canal, such as a cotton swab, especially if you have had ear surgery, have a hole (perforation) in your eardrum, or are having ear pain or drainage.

Children usually have their ears checked as part of any medical exam. If needed, a health care provider can remove excess earwax from your child's ear during an office visit.

Earwax blockage-Earwax blockage - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic (2024)


What dissolves ear wax immediately? ›

If the aim is to completely break down the wax, waxsol, peroxide 3% or a sodium bicarbonate solution (which can be prepared by your local pharmacist) is effective.

How does Mayo Clinic get rid of ear wax? ›

Your health care provider can remove excess wax by using a small, curved tool called a curet or by using suction techniques. Your provider can also flush out the wax using a syringe filled with warm water and saline or diluted hydrogen peroxide.

How can I quickly unblock my ears? ›

What can I do to unclog my ears?
  1. Over-the-counter medication such as nasal sprays, decongestants or cold or sinus medication.
  2. Inhaling steam.
  3. Taking a hot shower or placing a warm compress over your ear to get steam into your ear canal.
  4. Gently moving your finger up and down in the ear that is blocked. ...
  5. Ear drops.

How do you unclog ear wax blockage? ›

You also can try hydrogen peroxide mixed with an equal amount of room temperature water. Place 2 drops of the fluid, warmed to body temperature, in the ear two times a day for up to 5 days. Once the wax is loose and soft, all that is usually needed to remove it from the ear canal is a gentle, warm shower.

Why did a big chunk of ear wax come out of my ear? ›

Chewing, talking and regular bathing is often enough to move earwax up and out of the ear. Usually, earwax gets rinsed away in the shower without you knowing it's happening. But it's possible – and totally normal – for earwax to come out in balls, clumps or lumps. The bigger problem is when earwax stays in your ears.

Will apple cider vinegar loosen ear wax? ›

Many times, especially with hearing aid wearers, an audiologist will advise a wash a couple of times a year (can be different depending on the person and production) a rinse in the shower with body temperature water with a little hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar in the water can be used.

What are the symptoms of a blocked Eustachian tube? ›

Blocked eustachian tubes can cause several symptoms. For example, your ears may hurt or feel full. You may have ringing or popping noises in your ears. Or you may have hearing problems or feel a little dizzy.

Will impacted ear wax fix itself? ›

Earwax blockage that has no symptoms can sometimes clear on its own. However, if you have signs and symptoms of earwax blockage, talk to your health care provider. Signs and symptoms may signal another condition.

How long does it take for hydrogen peroxide to unclog ears? ›

Insert the drops: Carefully insert a few drops into the ear canal using a dropper or syringe. Wait: Stay still and wait about five minutes, giving the drops time to work. Drain: Tilt your head to allow the solution to drain out.

Which side to sleep on with a clogged ear? ›

As previously mentioned, sleeping upright is a good method to try, but for natural, familiar sensations, resting on your side will have the most relaxing effect. If your ear infection is occurring in just one ear, sleep on the side of the healthy ear to avoid adding even more pressure to the affected area.

What is the best over the counter medicine for clogged ears? ›

Decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) Nasal steroids, such as fluticasone nasal spray (Flonase) Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or loratadine (Claritin) Ear candles.

How to scoop out earwax? ›

Use a Bulb Syringe

Sometimes, letting a little bit of water sit in the ear before irrigating will help loosen the wax. It should not hurt, but you may feel a little dizzy or nauseated. You can reduce the risk of dizziness if you use water that is warm and close to your body temperature.

Is hydrogen peroxide good for ear wax? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is a solution (liquid) that can be used to treat ear infections or the build-up of wax. It is generally safe to use in all ears. Do not use if it irritates you or causes pain. You can buy 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide from your local chemist – no prescription is required.

How do you get rid of earwax in 30 seconds? ›

Soak a cotton ball with the hydrogen peroxide. Tilt your head and drip the peroxide into your ear. You may hear it fizz as it tries to dissolve the earwax. After about 30 seconds, drain your ear onto a washcloth.

Can you pour peroxide in your ear to clean it? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is a solution (liquid) that can be used to treat ear infections or the build-up of wax. It is generally safe to use in all ears. Do not use if it irritates you or causes pain. You can buy 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide from your local chemist – no prescription is required.

Does rubbing alcohol dissolve ear wax? ›

Antiseptics such as rubbing alcohol and hydrogen/carbamide peroxide can also help remove wax, but be very careful with these because they can have harsh side effects. Alcohol dries out the skin and exacerbates itching, while peroxide can leave the ears wet, which encourages bacterial growth.

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