Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (2024)

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This is a classic Egg Salad recipe with a twist that will take you from “Yum” to “I need another sandwich ASAP!” It is an easy, simple dish to make and perfect for taking to all your barbecues and picnics!

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (1)

If you haven’t had egg salad with cream cheese. Prepare yourself. It’s incredible.

Cream cheese is what makes this the best egg salad recipe in the world. Even my picky kids would agree. This is amazing.

I love that easy egg salad is a cinch to make. The only cooking part is the eggs. Other than that, just mix and go.

I’ve put this egg salad on regular bread I’ve got lying around the house and on buttery croissants. It goes great with everything.

And it’s very customizable. Like paprika? Don’t like relish? How about bacon? You get to pick what goes into your recipe!

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (2)

What Goes in Egg Salad?

  • Butter: Room temperature butter will make the egg salad easy to mix.
  • Cream Cheese: Also take your cream cheese out at the same time as the butter. Don’t skip this one or your egg salad will be droopy.
  • Celery: Mince finely.
  • Mayo: You can add as much or as little of this as needed for personal texture preference.
  • Onion: Grated is the best option though you could always mince finely too.
  • Sugar: For a hint of sweetness.
  • Lemon Juice: If you don’t have lemon juice you could use vinegar instead.
  • Salt: Very important to enhance the flavor of your egg salad.
  • Pepper: Go easy on the pepper so your egg salad isn’t spicy.
  • Eggs: Your hard boiled eggs can be finely chopped or squished with a fork.
  • Bread: Regular sandwich bread or fancy croissants. You pick.
  • Paprika: I love the color this gives to the egg salad. It is optional.
  • Relish: Use dill pickle relish for best flavor. Also optional.
  • Bacon: Optional but my favorite. Where would we be without bacon?

Pro Tip: It’s important to make sure the celery and onion are smaller than your egg pieces. I like using a food processor for ease of use and to make sure they are really small.

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (3)

How to Make Egg Salad?

  • Mix: Make sure everything is well blended. You don’t want to bite into a sandwich and find a big scoop of onion that hasn’t been mixed.
  • Layer: I like to put lettuce, cheese, or tomato on the egg salad sandwich if I’m being fancy. But you can also leave it plain too.
  • Eat: Sprinkling with paprika just before serving will really brighten up the dish.

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (4)

How to Boil Eggs for Egg Salad

If cooking hard boiled eggs is something you haven’t yet mastered, I’ve got a few tried and tested ways to get a perfect hard boiled egg.

My absolute favorite method for boiling eggs is Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs. It is the easiest to peel eggs I’ve ever had. Even a 5 year old can peel a perfect egg with the instant pot.

If you don’t have an instant pot, follow these simple directions for how to cook Hard Boiled Eggs on an Electric or Gas Stove.

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (5)

How Long Does Egg Salad Last?

Eggs can go bad very quickly when left at room temperature. Two hours is the max and then the egg salad will need to be tossed.

I highly recommend only pulling out the amount you are currently going to need and leaving the rest in the fridge.

This Deluxe Egg salad will stay good in the fridge for 3-5 days. Make sure it is properly covered.

At the end of 5 days, even if the salad looks fine and smells fine- toss it out.

The bacteria that eggs can grow is not something you want to mess with. Remember, the mold that grows on food is only after it has already gone bad.

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (6)

Can You Freeze Egg Salad

Unfortunately, due to the dairy products in egg salad, it cannot be frozen. Frozen dairy separates in a way that makes it impossible to mix back together.

I’ve never needed to freeze anyway because this egg salad is so good it’s never lasted more than a couple of days in our fridge.

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (7)

Is Egg Salad Healthy?

Eggs are actually really good for you.

There has been debate on good cholesterol vs bad cholesterol and all sorts of things like that, but overall, eggs are always a healthy choice.

There are lots of other things in egg salad that are also really good for you. Onions, lemon juice, and celery are all really healthy foods.

On the other hand, mayo, sugar, and cream cheese, have been widely acknowledged as being DELICIOUS for your waistline.

So do what you will. Egg Salad will probably not be the thing that makes or breaks your health.

Is Egg Salad Keto?

Aside from the sugar, I believe this egg salad falls in line with a keto diet. You can certainly omit the sugar if you need to.

If you have any questions about a particular diet you are following, I recommend looking each ingredient up individually.

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (8)

Can Dogs Eat Egg Salad?

No. Unfortunately dogs cannot eat egg salad.

Many ingredients, including the onion and salt are not safe for dogs.

Your dog could eat your plain hard boiled eggs though.

So if you’d like to share, make some extra hard boiled eggs and you can both enjoy your eggs at the same time. Just be sure to leave your dog’s plain.

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (9)

What to Eat with Egg Salad

Because we typically eat egg salad at barbecues, picnics, quick lunches, or potlucks, some easy side dishes you’ll love…

  • Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream
  • Grape Salad Minnesota
  • Pistachio Salad
  • Classic Potato Salad
  • Broccoli Salad
  • Sour Cream Potato Salad
  • Creamy Cucumber Salad
  • Tex Mex Pasta Salad
  • Creamy Coleslaw Recipe
  • Watermelon Feta Mint Salad
  • Ramen Noodle Salad
  • Strawberry Pretzel Salad
  • 3 Bean Salad Recipe
  • Grilled Corn Salad Recipe

If you are looking for an egg salad that you can absolutely devour, then look no further. Quick, easy, and absolutely delicious, this egg salad is going to become a new favorite!

Yield: 8 small croissants or 4 large croissants

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (10)

This is an Egg Salad recipe with a twist that will take you from “Yum” to “I need another sandwich ASAP!” It is an easy, simple dish to make and perfect for taking to all your barbecues and picnics!

Prep Time15 minutes

Total Time15 minutes


  • 2 Tablespoons butter, room temperature
  • 3 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 2 Tablespoons celery, minced
  • 1 Tablespoon Mayo (or more if desired)
  • 1 teaspoon yellow onion, grated
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 6 hard boiled eggs, finely chopped or squished with a fork.
  • Croissants or Bread
  • Paprika (optional)
  • Dill Pickle Relish (optional)
  • Bacon (optional)


  1. In a medium bowl, cream together butter and cream cheese until smooth.
  2. Stir in celery, mayo, onion, sugar, lemon juice, salt and pepper until well blended.
  3. Add eggs and mix well.
  4. Serve on bread or croissants
  5. Sprinkle with paprika or add dill pickle relish or bacon if desired.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 82Total Fat: 6gSaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 42mgSodium: 453mgCarbohydrates: 5gFiber: 0gSugar: 2gProtein: 2g

Recipe originally posted: April 4, 2014

Recipe & photos updated: June 6, 2019

Recipe & Photos Updated: September 30, 2021

Deluxe Classic Egg Salad Recipe (2024)


Why does my egg salad taste bland? ›

Stir through and adjust by adding more mayonnaise if you like your egg salad creamier. Why does my egg salad taste bland? The simple reason may be that it's not seasoned enough. Add a little more salt and pepper to taste.

Why is my egg salad so watery? ›

What Makes Egg Salad Watery? Every ingredient that goes into egg salad has water in it. Salt and sugar in the dressing draw the water out of the ingredients as they sit, and they make your egg salad watery regardless of whether it's in the fridge or in a sandwich.

How to make egg salad that isn t watery? ›

Besides swapping regular onions for green onions or chives, there are other ways you can build up your egg salad's flavor and limit unsightly pooling water. Try adding spices, such as garlic powder or paprika; paprika is often dusted atop deviled eggs, so it would taste fantastic in egg salad.

How many days does egg salad last in the refrigerator? ›

Serve the egg salad immediately or refrigerate it until ready to use. Egg salad will keep for up to 4 days in the fridge.

Why do I get an upset stomach after eating egg salad? ›

Eggs are a rich source of nutrients, making them a popular meal choice and ingredient. However, some people may experience nausea after eating eggs. If you feel nauseous after eating eggs, you may have an intolerance or allergy to egg yolks, egg whites, or both. Some people may experience nausea after eating eggs.

Do you chop or mash eggs for egg salad? ›

Recipe developer and cookbook author Sheri Castle suggests that "for a salad with hearty texture that won't turn gummy or pasty, use your hands to crumble the eggs instead of chopping the whites and mashing the yolks with a fork." You will, of course, want to wait until the boiled eggs are cool enough to handle, but ...

Why did my egg salad turn gray? ›

But first, cook the eggs just until yolks are firm yet still moist. Too long in hot water and eggs turn dry, pale and even develop a gray outer layer. In the world of sandwiches, there are two types of people: Those who love egg salad, and those who loathe it.

Why does my egg salad taste bad? ›

If your egg salad looks good but has a sour or bitter taste, it's best to throw it away. In some cases, you might notice small bubbles or fizzing when stirring the salad. These are telltale signs of microbial growth. Refrain from tasting the salad, and discard it immediately.

What do you serve with egg salad? ›

Classic egg salad sandwiches pair best with classic side dishes. Consider a leafy green salad, potato chips, French fries, or coleslaw.

How do you fix runny egg mayo? ›

On the contrary, if your mayonnaise is too runny or doesn't set because you've added cold ingredients, simply add another egg yolk, strictly at room temperature.

Can you eat 5 day old egg salad? ›

According to the USDA, you might have a little more time to finish egg salad than you may think. If the egg salad has been properly stored—in a sealed container in the refrigerator—it is safe to eat it within five days.

Can I freeze homemade egg salad? ›

If you must freeze egg salad, make sure to use an airtight container and remove as much of the air as possible to minimize freezer burn. It's best to consume egg salad within one to two months for the best results.

Can you eat egg salad that has been left out overnight? ›

Never leave cooked eggs or egg dishes out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours or for more than 1 hour when temperatures are above 90° F.

How do you make eggs not taste bland? ›

11 Delicious Add-Ins To Try For More Flavorful Scrambled Eggs
  1. Creamy Dollops. Add a dollop of cream cheese, sour cream, mascarpone, or cottage cheese to your scrambled eggs for a richer, creamier breakfast. ...
  2. Salty Sauces. ...
  3. Milk & Cream. ...
  4. Mayo. ...
  5. Hot Sauce. ...
  6. Volumising Ingredients. ...
  7. Bouillon Granules. ...
  8. Baking Spices.

How do you make salad less bland? ›

Use LOTS of herbs and spices

To avoid boring, bland salads -- and make your meal actually flavourful -- you need to add herbs and spices. Seriously, don't be afraid when adding flavour.

How do you jazz up an egg sandwich? ›

Egg Sandwich Toppings

However, breakfast sausage patties, ham, or even venison bacon are favorite alternatives of mine. For a more non-traditional route, you can add sliced avocado and / or tomato.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.