Bernedoodle Size Chart | Growth & Weight Chart (2024)

For those adopting a Bernedoodle, you will be eager to know the Bernedoodle size chart.

Familiarizing yourself with the chart allows you to monitor your pup’s growth each month to ensure they are on track. Providing them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements is essential for their growth and development.

Bernedoodle is a crossbreed dog developed by mixing a Poodle with a Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernedoodles are affectionate and playful, making them great pets.

They are especially fond of younger kids as they are goofy and love attention.

As the Poodle breed has different sizes, when bred with a Bernese Mountain Dog, the Bernedoodle can come in Mini, Medium or Standard sizes.

This article outlines all the essential information you need to know regarding the size and weight of each Bernedoodle variety, as well as some top tips to help you work through the early years.

When DoBernedoodlesStop Growing?

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Knowing the exact point at which Bernedoodles stop growing is tricky to tell, as it is dependent on the percentage of Berner and Poodle inherited in your pup’s genetics.

As Berner is a giant breed, it typically stops growing at two years, while Poodle growth stops around 18 months. Using this, we expect Bernedoodles reach their final adult weight between 18 months to 2 years.

The smaller the breed the size, the quicker they will reach maximum size, so Mini Bernedoodles will be nearer to 18 months, Medium Bernedoodles towards 20 months and Standard Bernedoodles towards two years.

When your pup reaches the expected height, you can expect them to continue padding out for a few more months before reaching their final adult weight.

Bernedoodle Size Chart

Monitoring the weight of your Bernedoodle is an easy step you can take to ensure their long-term health.

You can take monthly weight measurements in addition to daily observations to keep your pup on track.

The Bernedoodle weight chart presents the estimated weight boundaries of your puppy at monthly intervals.

This is especially common for Bernedoodles who can vary in size. And like all breeds, males are typically taller and heavier than females

If you have a concern regarding your pup’s weight, you should visit the vet. However, we recommend visiting only when the weight is 15% over or under the average.

Mini Bernedoodles typically weigh 29 pounds at 12 months, for Medium it is 52 pounds and for Standard 66 pounds. This highlights how the growth trajectories between the three Bernedoodle breeds are quite different.

Beyond 12 months, we expect each Bernedoodle type to continue padding out, with the process taking longer for larger Bernedoodles.

Bernedoodle Growth Chart

AgeMini BernedoodleMedium BernedoodleStandard Bernedoodle
3 Months14 lbs25 lbs33 lbs
4 Months18 lbs33 lbs42 lbs
5 Months20 lbs36 lbs46 lbs
6 Months22 lbs40 lbs52 lbs
7 Months24 lbs43 lbs55 lbs
8 Months26 lbs46 lbs59 lbs
9 Months27 lbs48 lbs62 lbs
10 Months28 lbs50 lbs64 lbs
11 Months29 lbs51 lbs65 lbs
1 Year29 lbs52 lbs66 lbs
1.5 Years30 lbs53 lbs67 lbs

BernedoodlePuppy Development Stages

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Birth – 2 Weeks

Regardless of Bernedoodle breed size, the puppy development stages are very similar. Newborn Bernedoodle puppies have not developed all senses. They can taste and touch but cannot see or hear.

During these initial few weeks, you can expect the pups to be reliant on their mother for milk and warmth, with them reluctant to leave her side.

Mothers play a critical role in these first few weeks. They regulate the body temperature and help support the potty needs of puppies at this stage.

3 Weeks – 12 Weeks

We observe a radical change in Bernedoodle puppies from 3 to 12 weeks. The pup becomes more independent and curious about the world around them.

Bernedoodle pups will start to crawl and wag its tail. By 12 weeks, they will easily stand up and confidently stroll.

During this phase, Bernedoodle puppies also develop all their senses so can start to be trained. Simply obedience and social skills training can start to happen to ensure that good habits are learnt early.

By 12 weeks, the pup will start to teethe and at that point can start weaning.

4 Months – 9 Months

During the Bernedoodle puppy juvenile period, you will notice your puppy becoming increasingly independent and developing greater mental capacity.

In this stage you can start to train them with more complex commands to make them into the loving and affectionate pets you crave.

Bernedoodles can be potty trained during this phase as they continue learning key life skills to carry them through into adulthood. You can also expect the baby teeth to get replaced with adult teeth and the development of the adult coat.

10 Months – 18 Months

We expect most Bernedoodles to reach their adult size during the adolescent period, however, for Standard Bernedoodles, this may extend to two years.

By the end of adolescence, your Bernedoodle will start to resemble the size of an adult and have developed full sexual maturity. However, they are not likely to have developed full mental maturity by this stage.

During early adolescence, you should consider getting your pup spayed or neutered as this can prevent unwanted pregnancy and also calm your puppy down as they experience adolescent hormonal change.

Bernedoodles can fully transition to adult food by the age of 10 months.


From 18 to 24 months, Bernedoodles will reach physical, emotional, and sexual maturity. They should have developed good behaviors and routines so they can live a fulfilling adult life.

By adulthood, Bernedoodles will have reached their maximum height, however, you should keep a close eye on their weight as this can be affected by non-genetic factors such as nutrition and exercise.

Continue to visit the vet regularly for check-ups to ensure any health issues are caught early.

How Big DoBernedoodleGet?

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Four common ways to predict the size of a Bernedoodle are explained below.

Most reputable breeders contain the genetic information of your pup’s ancestors and it should be easily accessible to you. The information provided will have details on the size and weight of the parents and hopefully grandparents.

A DNA test is an alternative to getting genetic information from breeders. Ost vets will offer this as a paid-for service. While DNA tests won’t give exact measurements, they will provide helpful information on the lineage of your Bernedoodle.

Observing the paws is another easy method of monitoring growth. If they are larger than the body, further growth is coming.

Finally, the Bernedoodle growth chart is a free way of tracking the size and weight of your puppy. The chart is easy to use and is structured by providing monthly height and weight estimates for you to compare against.

BernedoodleHeight Chart

Combining a Berner with a Poodle, which has four size varieties, means Bernedoodles can range from tiny to large dog breeds.

This is something to consider when looking to adopt a Bernedoodle. Also note, that males and females will likely differ in sizes, with males on the larger end and females on the lower end of estimates.

By adulthood, Mini Bernedoodles reach an average final weight of 29 pounds, for Medium’s 52 pounds and Standard 66 pounds. In terms of maximum height, Mini’s stand up to 22 inches, Medium’s at 26 inches and Standard’s at 29 inches.

Measuring the height of your Bernedoodle is an easy task. Simply grab a tape measure and place your pup straight on a flat surface, then measure from their withers to the ground to get an accurate height measurement. The withers are located between the shoulder blades.

Will Neutering/Spaying MyBernedoodleAffect HisGrowth?

Spaying and neutering are common, low-risk procedures, however, you should be careful as to when they are carried out.

Neutering removes the testicl*s from a male dog while spaying removes the ovaries from a female dog.

These common procedures prevent your pup from impregnating other dogs or getting pregnant themselves, while also protecting against testicular and ovarian cancer. The procedure reduces aggressive tendencies during adolescence.

The procedure is recommended to take place once the physical growth of your Bernedoodle has stopped, so this may be a period between 12 to 18 months. Use the Bernedoodle size chart to help guide you.

Timing is key as reproductive and growth hormones work together and you won’t avoid stunted growth.


Goldendoodle and Bernedoodle are both cross breeds which have multiple sizes. The Standard Bernedoodle is larger than the Goldendoodle, with the Standard ranging up to a maximum of 90 pounds, while the maximum weight of a Standard Goldendoodle is 65 pounds.

The Medium and Mini breeds of both breeds have similar weight and height ranges, with specific sizes dependent on the breed generation of the parents.

In terms of temperament, both Bernedoodle and Goldendoodle are friendly and sociable dogs. Bernedoodles can be calmer, while Goldendoodles are typically friendlier. Both make great loyal companions.

Factors That AffectBernedoodleGrowth

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The section below highlights some known factors affecting the growth trajectory of Bernedoodles.

Genetics & Gender

Generations with a greater proportion of large Poodle genetics will be larger dogs, compared to generations with a miniature Poodle genetic make-up.

Genetic information passed down from generations doesn’t just affect growth but also medical information. Where possible, find out if there are any hereditary health issues from the breeder so you can be prepared.

Gender plays a role too, with male Bernedoodles being larger than females across each breed size.


While genetics set the overall parameters for growth, nutrition will affect where your pup sits within the estimates. A healthy balanced diet containing a good range of protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals is essential for supporting strong growth.

The dog owner controls the nutritional intake of the pup, therefore, you play a critical role. You should take time to research specific foods and reputable food brands. Also, monitor closely each time your pup tries new foods to look out for adverse reactions.

Physical Activity & Health

Physical activity is critical to supporting a healthy existence and growth. Bernedoodles are not particularly energetic so need between 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day. This will allow them to burn calories but also ensure they are kept happy and stimulated.

Exercises may include running, jumping, or climbing. An additional hour of low-intensity exercise such as walking is also recommended. Be careful when exercising during adolescence as their muscles can be strained.

How Much To Feed A GrowingBernedoodlePuppy?

The first step to determining the amount to feed your Bernedoodle is finding out approximately what your puppy will weigh when they are adults.

Increase the food intake as the pup grows. Healthy puppies from 8 to 10 weeks eat ¾ and ½ cups of food per meal. Young puppies are usually offered 3 meals between 2 two and 6 months of age. After 6 months, offer your puppies two meals per day.

The amount of food your puppy needs to maintain their good body condition varies depending on the metabolism rate of each puppy and its activity level. A healthy Bernedoodle will eat 3-6 cups of food daily. Four months puppy east more than 8 weeks old puppy.

When the puppy is around 6-8 months, they are ready to eat adult proportions or slightly greater depending on the system and the dog’s environment.

How To Tell If YourBernedoodleIs Underweight Or Overweight?

Spotting signs of being significantly underweight or overweight is an important role that a dog owner plays. Often, this can be a sign of a serious medical issue or a sign of insufficient care. It is therefore critical that you know how to spot this.

As weight gain or loss can be gradual, it may escape the eye of dog owners as to whether your dog is underweight or overweight. There are simple checks all owners can do; these are outlined below.

  • Feel your dog’s ribs – stand your Bernedoodle up and run your hands along their sides. If you cannot feel the ribs because of the fat, then they have excess weight. However, if you can feel the ribs easily, your Bernedoodle is underweight.
  • Feel the spine – the same test of the ribs can be applied to the spine. You should run your hands gently and be able to feel the spinal cord, but the bones should not be protruding. A spine that is pronounced with no or little flesh means your puppy is underweight, but if there is a lot of fat on the spine, your Bernedoodle has extra weight.

What Are The Most Common Conditions To Be Aware Of In GrowingBernedoodlePuppies?

You are lucky if you own a Bernedoodle because mixed breed generally tends to have fewer health-related issues that can affect their growth.

However, there are still chances that your Bernedoodle will develop conditions such as elbow dysplasia, allergies, eye issues, hip dysplasia, and skin eyes.

The good thing about these diseases is that they should not affect the lifespan of your Bernedoodle or their growth, hence you should not worry so much. You always seek advice from your vet to ensure that your dog is not safe.

DoBernedoodlesExperience Growing Pain?

Panosteitis is commonly referred to as Growing pain and is an inflammation of the leg bones which ultimately leads to lameness. It shifts from one location to another and can phase from worsening to improving within a few days to a few weeks.

Growing pains usually occur during growth and affect Bernedoodle puppies up to 2 years of age. It is caused by pressure that is created by the growth rate within the bones.

Growing pains are a no concern and do not affect the later health life of your Bernedoodle but it is a painful condition and can interrupt the growing experiences of the puppy.

See also How Much To Feed A Sheepadoodle Puppy - Feeding Chart

Seek vet advice to rule out any possible illnesses such as bone diseases and get insight into how to manage Growing pain in your puppy.

What To Do If MyBernedoodleIs Not The Right Weight?

It is of great concern to know if your Bernedoodle puppy is the right weight when compared with the growth chart. However, it is normal to have your puppy not perfectly fitting in a growth chart.

Not all dogs will fit in the spectrum of the growth chart. They are made up of averages especially for mixed breeds because they can have a lot of variety.

You should be able to feel your puppy’s ribs and see his waist. It might be time to cut back some food if you find that his tummy is sagging but if you can see the ribs then it is time to increase his food.

The only best way to know how big the dog will be is to examine the genetics through a DNA test but you don’t need that if the vet assures that the dog is healthy.

Consult the vet if there is no reason why your dog is not on the growth chart so that you can rule out any possible illnesses. Some dogs are picky eaters and hence might not like some food.

How To Help YourBernedoodleLose Weight If He Is Overweight?

Your dog is overweight because they consume more calories than they burn. Therefore, to achieve good results your dog should be able to eat less and exercise more.

When you know your dog’s ideal weight, you will be able to discover the number of calories to feed your dog daily to attain a steady weight loss.

Most dogs can achieve a predictable weight loss when they are fed with a constant amount daily but other may require even fewer calories depending on their age and activity level.

For weight control, you should be aware of how many calories are in a cup of food. Do not free-feed an overweight dog because it is unnatural and can contribute to unnatural hormonal changes that can make weight loss more challenging.

Feed your dog two to four small portions of food daily with the total number of calories and treats being equal to the number of calories desired to lose weight.

It is also good to measure your dog’s food to get an accurate measure and ensure to dispense the exact amount you should give to your dog.

How To Properly Weight MyBernedoodle?

Weigh yourself first if your dog is light enough to lift. The reason you should weigh yourself first is that small and medium-sized dogs may not weigh much to offset the scale and provide a reliable measurement.

Then stand on the scale again while you are holding your dog that is climbing on the scale again with your dog.

Ensure that you keep your dog calm and still because too many movements could delay the reading or throw you off the scale. Subtract the reading when not holding the dog from the one when holding your dog.

The veterinarian usually recommends weighing your dog every 6 months to ensure they are within the healthy range and to monitor any potential illness.

BernedoodleGenetics And Common Health Problems

The following are conditions to watch out for in your Bernedoodle:

Bloat or GDV– generally, any medium to large dog breed have deep chests can suffer from GDV or Bloat. Bloat usually happens when the stomach gets swollen with gas or food.

GDV can be prevented by the pet parents undergoing a surgical procedure known as Prophylactic Incisional Gastropexy.

Orthopedic injuries– Bernedoodles at any age may suffer from orthopedic issues such as elbow dysplasia, cranial cruciate ligament ruptures, and hip dysplasia.

Vets may recommend weight management, joint, and hip supplements with chondroitin, glucosamine, and fish oil to help Bernedoodle suffering from any orthopedic conditions. In some cases, you may need acupuncture, medication, surgery, or physiotherapy.

Final Words

Hopefully, this article has given you all the essential information you need to know about the Bernedoodle growth chart.

Monitoring the size and weight of your Bernedoodle pup is crucial for all dog owners to do. As we have demonstrated, it is easy, simple and cheap to do and will give your pup the best chance of living a long and healthy life.

If you ever have concerns about the growth of your Bernedoodle, you should seek the advice of a vet for reassurance. These regular check-ups will also spot any underlying health conditions early.

Bernedoodle Size Chart | Growth & Weight Chart (2024)
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