Bernedoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Bernedoodle Get? - Pet News Daily (2024)

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart—You can use this as a reference to see how your puppy compares to the average.

In This Article

Bernedoodle Growth Chart

Bernedoodles come in different sizes just like Poodles. Your puppy’s growth will depend on factors like whether its Poodle parent was a standard and its size.

The chart shows you a Berndedoodle’s monthly average weight range during the growing phase. You can also refer to the puppy weight calculator to get an idea of how big your puppy is likely to get.

Bernedoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Bernedoodle Get? - Pet News Daily (1)

Text Transcript of the Bernedoodle Growth Chart

Bernedoodle – AgeMini WeightMedium WeightStandard Weight
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months
12 months
Fully grown
10 pounds
14 pounds
18 pounds
20 pounds
22 pounds
24 pounds
26 pounds
27 pounds
28 pounds
29 pounds
29 pounds
30 pounds
18 pounds
25 pounds
33 pounds
36 pounds
40 pounds
43 pounds
46 pounds
48 pounds
50 pounds
51 pounds
52 pounds
53 pounds
24 pounds
33 pounds
42 pounds
46 pounds
52 pounds
55 pounds
59 pounds
62 pounds
64 pounds
65 pounds
66 pounds
67 pounds or more

Height Estimates when Fully Grown:

  • Standard Bernedoodle: 23-29 inches
  • Medium Bernedoodle: 22-23 inches
  • Mini Bernedoodle: 18-22 inches

About Bernedoodles

Breed History

One of today’s popular hybrid breeds—a cross between two purebreds—the Bernedoodle is the product of a Poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog. Sometimes called the “Bernese Mountain Poo,” the dog is deliberately bred from two purebred parents to create a new breed or “designer breed.”

The first breeder combined the two dogs in 2003. Since then, other breeders have followed suit, producing more dogs that families can enjoy.

Bernedoodle Characteristics

Why would breeders want to combine these two dogs? They wanted the positive characteristics of the Bernese Mountain Dog without the heavy shedding, short lifespan, and propensity for cancer. By crossing the Bernese with Poodles, they were able to create the perfect companion dog while eliminating some of these issues.

Bernedoodle Size

Breeders may mix the Bernese with a standard, medium, or mini Poodle to create different sizes of the hybrid breed. A Standard Poodle crossed with a Bernese is called a Standard Bernedoodle, whereas a mini Poodle crossed with a Bernese is a Mini Bernedoodle.

No matter the size, these dogs are typically very gentle around the elderly and children and make great therapy and service dogs. They are easy to train and love being part of the family.

Is Bernedoodle An Official Breed?

Because they are hybrid dogs, Bernedoodles are not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). You can register your new puppy with the American Canine Hybrid Club and the United Bernedoodle Registry.1

What Are the Growth Stages of a Bernedoodle?

Like all puppies, Bernedoodles experience their most rapid growth between birth and two weeks of age.

Birth to 2 Weeks

A newborn will weigh around one pound, and you can expect that to double within the first week or so. This is also when their eyes and ears will open and they’ll start to interact with their littermates.

3 Weeks to 3 Months

Between 3 weeks and 3 months of age, your puppy will experience a huge growth spurt. She’ll start to explore her world, interact with humans, and between 8 and 12 weeks, be weaned off her mom so she can go home with you.

At three months, your puppy is likely to have reached about 30 percent of her total growth. She’ll be ready for her first vaccinations and beginning training, which may include housetraining and simple obedience training.

4 to 6 Months

When your puppy is between four and six months of age, he may weigh between 45 and 55 pounds (if he’s a Standard size), and his growth rate will begin to slow down a little bit. He is likely to still have a voracious appetite and will be very playful and active.

This is when obedience training becomes very important, as you want to teach your puppy some standard commands (sit, down, stay) and help him to understand his boundaries before he gets too big to handle.

7 to 9 Months

Between seven and nine months of age, your puppy will start to look more like an adult Bernedoodle, though he will still have a lot of growing to do.

Keep in mind that the type of Bernedoodle you have will affect these growth stages. Smaller ones will grow more quickly and may attain their adult size by six to eight months. Larger ones will take longer.

10 to 12 Months

Finally, between 10-12 months, your puppy will be nearly fully grown, though larger ones can take up to two years to fill out.

She may start to act more mature at this age too, though larger Bernedoodles may retain their puppy attitudes until they reach two years of age.

Best Nutrition for a Standard Bernedoodle

At all stages of growth, it’s important to feed your Bernedoodle puppy the appropriate dog food for his age and size. Standard Bernedoodles will need large-breed puppy food, while mini ones will do better with small-breed varieties. These are specifically formulated to help optimize growth. Avoid “for all sizes” type foods as they will not contain the nutrients your puppy needs.

Choose the highest quality food you can that is free of fillers, chemicals, and unnecessary ingredients. Look for those with a quality protein source listed first—real meat is best, including chicken, beef, pork, fish, and lamb. Then feed your puppy three to four times a day until he reaches one year old. This helps avoid bloat, which can turn dangerous in some instances. Smaller, more frequent meals are better for your Bernedoodle.

As your dog grows, keep an eye on his weight. Overweight and obesity in puppies can lead to health problems later in life. Bernedoodles are known for being voracious eaters, so it’s best not to leave food down for them to graze on as they wish. Instead, establish a regular feeding schedule early on. Feed your pup at the same time each day, three times a day. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the amount for your dog’s size.

At around six to nine months of age, your puppy’s growth rate will slow and you may notice that he’s putting on weight. If so, transition him to twice-daily feedings, which you’ll then maintain for the rest of his life. When he reaches one year old, switch to quality adult food.

Then be sure to periodically check your dog’s weight to see how he’s doing. If you can see the hip or rib bones, your dog may be underweight. Gradually increase his food amount until his body shape matches that of a healthy dog.

If you notice a rounded stomach or if your dog’s waist starts to disappear when viewed from the side or top, he’s overweight. Increase his exercise and reduce the food amount only slightly until his shape returns. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) offers some helpful illustrations of proper body condition.

Be careful feeding your Bernedoodle treats. Begging behaviors don’t necessarily mean she’s hungry—usually, they’re more about getting attention. Stick to your feeding schedule, avoid feeding your dog human scraps, and when you do treat, use healthy products specifically made for dogs.

How Big Will My Bernedoodle Get?

Bernedoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Bernedoodle Get? - Pet News Daily (2)

How big your Bernedoodle will get depends heavily on his parents and the size of the Poodles in his background. If you purchased him from a breeder, gather all the information you can on his parents and grandparents, as that will help you estimate his final size.

Your puppy’s sex matters too. As with many other animals, males are typically larger than females, though the difference in Bernedoodles may be only about 10 percent.

There are a couple of formulas you can use to estimate the fully grown size of your puppy. Both are based on age. The first one goes like this:2

Current weight x [1 + (100 / % size in weeks)]

So if your puppy weighs 10 pounds at 3 months old—when he’s reached about 30 percent of his final weight—you would calculate the formula like this:

10 x [1 + (100 / 30%)] = 10 x 4.33 = 43.33 pounds when fully grown.

At about 15 weeks, your Bernedoodle will be about 50 percent of his total body weight. At that point, you can just double it to get an estimate of his final weight.

Another way to estimate your puppy’s final growth weight is to use this simple formula:3

(Current weight/Age in weeks) x 52.

For example, if your pup is 25 pounds at 16 weeks of age, the formula would look like this:

  • (25/16) = 1.57 (rounded up)
  • 1.57 x 52 = 82 (rounded up)

The best time to check your Standard Bernedoddle with this formula is when she reaches about 16 weeks of age. You can check smaller varieties sooner, between 12 and 15 weeks.

Try checking your puppy’s paws as well. If they look oversized compared to the pup’s legs and body, you can imagine the final growth based on the size of those paws.

Another option is to use a DNA test. This will tell you a close estimate of the expected size of your puppy when he’s fully grown. It will also tell you your dog’s complete dog-breed ratios—how much Poodle is in him, for instance, compared to how much Bernese Mountain Dog he has.

When Do Bernedoodles Stop Growing?

When you can expect your Bernedoodle to stop growing depends on its size. Standard Bernedoodles will be close to their adult size at one year but may continue to grow until they reach two years or later.

Smaller sizes will reach their adult height sooner—around 9 months of age.

Things That Affect Growth

Like most dogs, Bernedoodles are vulnerable to certain health issues. They are considered healthier overall than their purebred ancestors, but it’s best to be on the lookout for some potential problems:

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • Skin diseases (hot spots)
  • Eye diseases
  • Allergies
  • Bloat
  • Heatstroke

Though these are concerns you’ll want to keep your eye on as your dog matures, most of them (outside of bloat) won’t affect his growth. Factors that will include the following:

  • Genetics: Your dog’s genes factor greatly into how big he will become. Find out all you can about your dog’s parents to estimate his final size.
  • Diet: Nutrition has a significant effect on the growth of your puppy. A poor diet lacking the proper nutrients can cause joint problems later in life, and may also affect your dog’s brain development. It’s critical to provide your puppy with the highest quality food possible.
  • Physical activity: Exercise and daily activity influences your dog’s overall health and growth. As your puppy gets older, she’ll require increased activity. Daily walks, games of fetch, and safe playtime with other dogs can all help fulfill this requirement.
  • It is important not to overexercise your puppy too soon. Her bones are still developing and if they are strained with long runs on hard surfaces, they may not form correctly, increasing the risk for joint problems down the road.
  • Worms and parasites: Puppies can become infected with heartworms and other parasites from their mothers, when sniffing or licking infected feces, when digging in the soil (if there are hookworm larvae there), or when catching or eating rodents and birds. If your dog is not gaining weight like she should, check with your veterinarian about a deworming solution.
  • Spaying and neutering: Unless you plan to have puppies, it’s important to spay or neuter your dog. The operation can have positive health effects, reducing the risk of some types of cancer. If done too soon, however, it can also negatively affect bone and joint growth. Check with your vet on the best time for your dog.

Bernedoodle Weight Calculator

You can also use our puppy weight calculator to determine how big your Bernedoodle will get:


What’s your puppy’s breed

What’s your puppy’s weight

What’s your puppy’s birth date?

What’s your puppy’s gender

Frequently Asked Questions

How big does a Bernedoodle dog grow?

Your dog’s fully grown weight and height will depend greatly on genetics. If you have a Standard Bernedoodle, he’s likely to weigh between 70-90 pounds at full size. A mini Bernedoodle, by contrast, will weigh between 20 and 45 pounds.

At what age does a Bernedoodle fade?

Some Bernedoodles inherit a gene that affects their coat color as they age. The gene comes from the Poodle side of the family. So your dog may start as black and later turn to silver or cream. Unfortunately, there is no genetic test to determine if your dog will fade. The only way to try to prevent it is to know her lineage and choose breeding dogs that have not faded.

If your Bernedoodle has the fading gene, you’ll notice her color start to fade between six and ten months of age. Also called “clearing,” the color change is most noticeable in darker-colored dogs who have black and brown in their coats. Black dogs change to silver, gray, and bluish tones, whereas chocolate or brown dogs can turn silver, cream, or silver beige.

How big will my f1b Bernedoodle get?

F1b Bernedoodles are known as second-generation mixes. They are the result of breeding a first-generation Bernedoodle with a purebred Poodle. First-generation Bernedoodles are 50 percent Poodle and 50 percent Bernese Mountain Dog. That means your F1b Bernedoodle will be 75 percent Poodle and only 25 percent Bernese Mountain Dog.

Though traits may vary, this type of Bernedoodle will likely be more like a Poodle than the Bernese. Since most breeders use the Standard Poodle for this variety, your pup will be closer to the Poodle sizes, which is between 40-70 pounds when grown. It depends on the parents though, so gather all the information you can about them.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for more information about dog growth in general, we’ve created a puppy weight calculator, an in-depth guide to how heavy your dog should be, and a series of growth charts for different breeds (and dogs and mixed breeds in general):

  • Great Dane Growth Chart
  • Goldendoodle Growth Chart
  • Chihuahua Growth Chart
  • Golden Retriever Growth Chart
  • Labrador Growth Chart
  • Dog Growth Chart
  • Mixed Breed Growth Chart
  • Rottweiler Growth Chart
  • Pit Bull Growth Chart
  • Australian Shepherd Growth Chart
  • French Bulldog Growth Chart
  • Great Pyrenees Growth Chart
  • Standard Poodle Growth Chart
  • Bernedoodle Growth Chart
  • Husky Growth Chart

Article Sources

Pet News Daily uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. The Bernedoodle. (n.d.). United Bernedoodle Registry.
  2. Yamasaki, G. (2021, December 20). When is a Bernedoodle full grown? (2022). We Love Doodles.
  3. Puppy growth: What you need to know. (n.d.). Bond Vet.

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Pet News Daily writers are experts in pet care, health and behavior. We are members of Society for Professional Journalists and practice ethical journalism.

Bernedoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Bernedoodle Get? - Pet News Daily (2024)
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