Baking Tips - 6 Top Tips For The Perfect Baked Cheesecake | Chaos Makes Cake (2024)

Baking Tips - 6 Top Tips For The Perfect Baked Cheesecake | Chaos Makes Cake (1)

Top tips for baking the PERFECT, no-cracks, velvety smoothcheesecake.

As far as I’m concerned, any bakershould know how to make a decent cheesecake.

Personally,I’ll take a baked cheesecake over the no-bake, fridge-set variety every time. It sets to a dense, velvety smooth consistency, as opposed to the lighter, jelly-like texture of a fridge-set cheesecake. Plus, you don’t have to mess around with sheets of gelatine, a massive bonus, in my opinion. (I hate the guesswork involved in trying to get the amount of gelatine right – more often than not, you end up with a gloopy, un-sliceable mess, and it always takes far longer than expected to set.)

A baked cheesecake is actually super easy. It only requires a few, easy-to-get ingredients, and it’s not very sensitive to external factors (the outside temperature, for example). So if you grasp the basic technique ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ and follow a good recipe, it’ll come out the same every time.

Myabsolute favourite is New York-style cheesecake – a very simple but velvety and delicious vanilla cheesecake on a plain biscuit base, with some red berry coulis. Here’s my tried-and-testedrecipe for the perfect New York baked cheesecake.

Cheesecakes aren’t tricky to bake, but they need a completely different treatment from sponge cakes or cookies.

Here are my top tips for baking the perfect cheesecake.


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One of the main culprits of grainy cheesecakes is the temperature of the ingredients.

The very first step in a baked cheesecake recipe is normally to cream the butter and the cream cheese – if both are at room temperature, they’ll be a similar consistency, and combine easily to a smooth, hom*ogenous mixture. If the butter or cheese is cold and too firm, you’ll find it almost impossible to combine the ingredients – you’ll end up with a lumpy mix.

It’s also very important for the eggs to be at room temperature – cold egg whites won’t whisk up properly, especially if you’re using a hand whisk, so you won’t be able to incorporate air into the cheesecake. This could result in a cheesecake with a dense, grainy texture.

If you’re working with fridge-cold butter or cream cheese, and haven’t got time to wait for them to warm up to room temperature, cut them up into small cubes and either blast in the microwave for 10 seconds or put on the side for 10-20 minutes, until they’re soft – they should warm up quickly.


Over-mixing is the main reason for cheesecakes to crack in the oven.

You want a smooth, velvety cheesecake, so it’s tempting to over-beat the mixture just to be on the safe side (especially if you started with cold ingredients and find yourself struggling to get rid of lumps – another reason why you should use room temperature butter and cheese!). Don’t do this.

Over-mixing will add too much air into the batter – when it goes in the pre-heated oven, the air bubbles will expand, causing the cheesecake to rise quickly and then collapse and crack when it cools. I also find that it tends to result in a texture that isn’t quite right – too airy and spongy, not the dense, silky consistency that you associate with a baked cheesecake.

If you start with room-temperature ingredients, they should mix easily, so only whisk for as long as you need to to bring the ingredients together. If you’re unsure, stay away from an electric mixer (it’s almost too easy to over-mix using an electric stand mixer – you turn it on, move onto another task only to realise it’s still going half an hour later). Use a hand whisk instead – this will make it much harder to over-mix the cheesecake.


This, in my opinion, is the most important cheesecake tip. In terms of baking technique, a cheesecake is nothing like a sponge cake. Think more along the lines of a crème brulée, custard tart, or quiche – the composition of it has next to no flour, but lots of eggs and dairy. Low and slow.

You want a cool oven – around 160 C, maximum – to slowly cook the eggs and set the batter, without causing the eggs to scramble (which will give you a texture that’s almost like curdled milk). The low temperature will also stop your cheesecake from browning too quickly and getting a burnt top.


If you’re a confident baker, you should try baking your cheesecake in a bain marie, or ‘water bath’. This is where, instead of putting your cheesecake directly on an oven rack, you put it inside a baking tray submerged in 1"/2.5cm of water.

The water bath will:
1. Create steam, stopping the cheesecake from browning too quickly or cracking.
2. Keep the temperature consistent and stop the cheesecake from getting too hot and the eggs from going grainy, resulting in a perfectly smooth texture.

The main risk here is that, if you’re using a springform tin or loose-based cake tin to bake your cheesecake, water could enter the tin and give you a soggy crust. Make sure you properly seal the springform tin by wrapping it in XL clingfilm and/ortin foil (you can’t be too cautious here – I often use multiple layers of clingfilm PLUS a layer of tin foil) before you place it in the water bath.

If you’re nervous of trying a water bath, just place a tray with water at the bottom of the oven, below the rack where you’ve put your cheesecake – it will create steam, achieving some of the same results, without the risk of making your crust soggy.

Baking Tips - 6 Top Tips For The Perfect Baked Cheesecake | Chaos Makes Cake (2)


If you overcook your cheesecake, or cool it down too quickly, it will crack. There’s no doubt about it. So follow the recipe, and switch off the oven as soon as the time is up.

Don’t worry if the cheesecake is still wobbly in the middle, it should be – like a quiche or a custard tart, a cheesecake shouldn’t be cooked until it’s firm all the way through. It will cheesecake will retain heat for some time after you switch off the oven, allowing the eggs and cream to finish cooking to a perfect velvety-smooth texture. If you wait for it to be fully set before switching the oven off, the remaining heat will overcook your eggs, giving the cheesecake a grainy texture.

Let it cool downslowly. This is major. If you take it out of a hot oven and put it out on the side, the temperature shock could cause it to crack. I try to bake cheesecakes in the evening, switch the oven off when the time is up, and leave the cheesecake in the oven until the morning, to finish setting and cool down gently.


A good biscuit base is definitely my favourite bit, and the first element I notice.

Buttery, crumbly (but nottoocrumbly) and at least a centimetre thick – it can make or break the cheesecake.

To make asimple cheesecake base that will hold its shape when slices, I use a plain biscuit (more on this in the next paragraph) and mix with half the amount of melted butter - so for a regular 9" cheesecake, blitz (or bash!) 300g of biscuits to a fine crumb, and mix with 150g of melted butter, before pressing into the tin.

I have experimented with a range of biscuits for the base. In the UK, Rich Tea biscuits or Digestives are the biscuits of choice– I find that Rich Tea biscuits blitz to a finer texture, and soak up more of the butter, resulting in a more solid, less crumbly cheesecake base that is easier to slice. Digestives, on the other hand, seem to have more fat in them already, and require less added butter – they also make a coarser, more crumbly crust, which is great for texture but makes it more difficult to get a neat slice.


Biscoff is one of my very favourite biscuits (and fillings, our Biscoff Brownies areprobably our most popular brownie flavour - take a look here!).

The caramelised biscuit flavour is a great match for a huge array of cheesecake fillings - I love it with caramel-based cheesecakes, chocolaty cheesecakes, or simple vanilla cheesecakes.

To make a Biscoff cheesecake base, blitz up Biscoff biscuits and mix with half the amount of melted butter - so for a regular 9" cheesecake, blitz (or bash!) 300g of Biscoff biscuits to a fine crumb, and mix with 150g of melted butter, before pressing into the tin.


If you want a chocolate base, then either Oreos or Chocolate Bourbons are great alternatives to the plainer biscuits. Oreos have a very distinct flavour (who knows what they put in there!), so you’ll be able to tell the cheesecake has an Oreo crust. Bourbons are plain chocolaty, and perhaps better suited if you want to throw other flavours into the filling. Bear in mind that both Oreos and Bourbons have a squidgy filling, which will result in a softer crust – either do a little bit of experimenting to get the consistency right, or scrape the filling off before blitzing the biscuits.

For our classic New York Vanilla Cheesecake recipe, click HERE!

Baking Tips - 6 Top Tips For The Perfect Baked Cheesecake | Chaos Makes Cake (2024)


What is the secret to the best cheesecake? ›

The main trick with cheesecake is gentle, coaxing heat. Just as you want them to cook slowly, you also want them to cool gradually. Quick changes of temperature upset the structure of the cake, causing cracks. For a moister, creamier cake, turn off the heat when the center's still loose and let cool in the oven.

What temperature should cheesecake be baked at? ›

Position a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 325 degrees F.

What does adding an extra egg to cheesecake do? ›

Eggs: Three whole eggs hold the cheesecake together. I also add an extra yolk, which enhances the cake's velvety texture. (Whites tend to lighten the cake, which is actually fine — if you don't feel like separating that fourth egg and don't mind some extra airiness in the texture, just add in the whole egg.)

Should cream cheese be at room temperature when making cheesecake? ›

Room Temperature Ingredients

The biggest risk factor for a cracked cheesecake is a drastic change in temperature. So, make sure your cream cheese and other ingredients are room temperature when you mix the filling.

Should I cover cheesecake with foil when baking? ›

Lay a sheet of aluminum foil that has been bent up slightly to form a "foil tent" over the top of pan and not touching cheesecake (this is to prevent overbrowning) then bake at 350° for 1 hour and 15 minutes (remove foil tent after 50-55 minutes) or until top is set.

Is it better to overcook or undercook cheesecake? ›

Avoid Overcooking

DON'T overbake. Overbaking a cheesecake can cause cracks on the surface. The center of the cheesecake should still be a little wobbly, the filling still pale, and the outer ring slightly puffy and firm.

Is cheesecake better baked or not baked? ›

What's the Difference Between Baked and No-Bake Cheesecake? The key difference between baked and no-bake cheesecakes is the former's superior texture. Baked cheesecakes have a dense, fluffy, moist and smooth texture, which is not possible with the recipe for no-bake cheesecake.

Why add flour to cheesecake? ›

Flour or cornstarch is sometimes included in cheesecake recipes to preventing cracks. If you find that you always have problems with cracking and your cheesecake recipe does not call for any flour or cornstarch, it's ok to experiment and add some cornstarch (one to two tablespoons) to the batter when you add the sugar.

How runny should cheesecake batter be? ›

If you aren't sure if your cheesecake mixture is too soft, or firm enough – think of the cheesecake mixture like meringue. I find that my cheesecake mixture is perfect, when I can pick a dollop up with a spoon or spatula, and the cheesecake mixture stays firm – it doesn't slide off, at all!

How to tell if baked cheesecake is done? ›

Method 1: Give it a Jiggle

Gently shake the cheesecake (wearing oven mitts, of course). If the cheesecake looks nearly set and only a small circle in the center jiggles slightly, it's done.

Can you over whip cheesecake batter? ›

Avoid Overmixing: Unlike other cakes, where beating air into the batter is key, overmixed cheesecake can rise, fall and then crack from that excess air. Keeping ingredients (cheese, eggs, liquids and flavorings) at room temperature can help.

Can you over beat cream cheese for cheesecake? ›

When making your filling, overmixing can lead to incorporating too much air into the batter. Once baked, the air bubbles will burst, and the cheesecake will fall and crack. THE FIX: The number one reason why you'd overbeat your batter is because you're having dificulty incorporating cold ingredients.

What makes cheesecake taste so good? ›

The major component of this dessert's delicious flavour is undoubtedly high-quality cream cheese. After that, you add sugar, full cream, or sour cream. For a baked variant, some recipes ask for eggs and flour, while those for unbaked cheesecakes call for gelatin or its plant-based equivalent (agar-agar).

What's the difference between a New York style cheesecake in a classic cheesecake? ›

Regular cheesecake relies on heavy cream and sour cream to thin the batter and create a silkier, creamier texture. New York cheesecake is heavy on the cream cheese which is why it's so dense and rich. Extra cream cheese isn't the only thing that makes New York cheesecake so special.

What are the characteristics of a good cheesecake? ›

One of the best things about cheesecake is the texture: velvety, smooth, thick, creamy, and with a beautiful melt-in-the-mouth sweetness. Without these characteristics, cheesecake would miss the air of indulgence we know and love.

Is sour cream or whipping cream better for cheesecake? ›

The addition of cream gives a velvety, smooth texture, but too much of it and you begin to mask the cream cheese flavor. Sour cream supports the underlying tang of the cream cheese, but, if overdone, it takes over as the dominant flavor. You need a little of each -- cream for texture and sour cream for flavor.

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