20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (2024)

These low cal vegan recipes are the perfect way to kickstart a healthier diet, and a healthier you!

By Lora O’Brien

If you’re trying to lose weight, know this: you’re not alone.

Thanks to crappier quality food, larger restaurant portions and a general confusion about what’s healthy and what’s not, more of us are overweight than ever before.

To further complicate the matter, some diets work for some, but not others. For example, I know people who have lost weight on high fat, low carb diets, but others who stay slim eating carbs all day with very little protein or fat. The adage ‘eat less move more’ is a good weight loss guide for most. But the caveat is that even a whole hour on a cardio machine in the gym may only burn around 400 calories for the average woman. That’s around 1 piece of cake – that’s it!

Another factor that may lead to weight gain is the false notion that all vegan foods are low cal and healthy. Loads of vegan snacks are packed with nasties like hydrogenated oils, palm oil and preservatives.

Plus, though delicious and packed with nutrients, vegan staples like coconut oil, nuts and nut butters are still super-calorific. The average coconut based cheesecake has around 200 calories more per serving than a ricotta baked cheesecake, for example. Yipes!

So, what to do if you want to drop some kilos? Try following these steps:

1. Determine why you want to lose weight

This is the crucial first step. Someone who wants to shed a few pounds for the beach should not be in the same program as someone who’s completely unfit and needs to start exercising. Also, be sure you’re trying to lose weight to be healthier and fitter, not to fit into some kind of unrealistic body image.

2. Know your body

It’s fact that different bodies react to different diets. Do you find your body reacting well to portion reduction, or would you rather keep eating as usual, but burning off the calories with intense cardio exercise?

3. Find out what’s behind your weight gain

A truism for almost everyone trying to lose weight is that there’s usually an underlying reason the weight is there. There are psychological processes that cause a person to pick up the weight.

  • For some, it is an internal guilt that they’re not perfect, which causes them to self-sabotage. They’ll benefit from a more nuanced approach to weight loss, including mindfulness, therapy, and so on.
  • For others, it’s not knowing what to eat for optimal health. They’ll benefit from nutritional education and a well-organised, step-by-step approach that gives them all the tools they need.
  • Many of us just gain weight because we’re constantly eating on the run, or not finding the time to exercise.
  • And, of course, if the underlying reason is a health issue, you need to see a medical professional to get that sorted out.

4. Look at your lifestyle

Do you cook your own meals, knowing exactly what’s in them? Or do you go out for most of your meals, or order them in? Take note that even a restaurant salad can pack up to 1000 calories if it’s loaded with dressing, avocado, seeds, nuts, etc.

Also, do you eat consciously, when you’re hungry? Or are you distracted by devices or the TV while you eat? Do you do a lot of comfort eating?

Focusing on how your body feels and what you’re eating can do wonders for weight loss. You’ll enjoy your food more, understand when you’re truly hungry, and truly full.

Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss

If you eat from this list of low cal vegan recipes (which are all around 300 calories or under) for breakfast, lunch and dinner, watch your portions and do around 30 mins of exercise at least 3-4 times a week, the weight should fall off!

PS: If you think you need some professional help to kick off your weight loss journey, try one of these retreats!

1. Quinoa Fruit Salad

This is just such a gorgeous dish to start the day off with! And it’s got loads of raw goodness, as well as the deliciousness of nutty, protein packed quinoa. To make this vegan, just swap out the honey for agave syrup, obviously. This recipe below makes 3 servings.

Calories per serving: Around 180

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (1)

2. Simple Tofu Scramble

A lot of dieticians say that we should eat our biggest meal in the morning. So why not add some sourdough toast and sauteed cherry tomatoes to this, then fill up on this and eat smaller meals for the rest of the day?

Calories per serving: 232

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (2)

3. Low Cal Vegan Smoothies

Delicious and filling, a smoothie is really the only thing you need for a quick breakfast. Packed with vitamins, good fats and fruits and veggies, it’s a nice break from the typical green juice in the morning. Here below, there are 6 recipes for different low cal vegan smoothies. Strawberry? Coffee? Chocolate? Choose your fave! There’s no added sugar in any of these.

Calories per serving: Less than 150

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (3)

4. Cacao Berry Bliss Bowl

If you like your breakfasts on the sweet side, this bowl is for you! Besides the beautiful berries, it uses cacao nibs, which offer all the flavour of chocolate, but without the sugar and milk. One of the best low cal vegan recipes for breakfast, for sure!

Calories per serving: Around 350

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (4)

5. Garam Masala Soup

If you’re not familiar with garam masala, it is a typical Indian spice blend that usually contains peppercorns, cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, cloves, bay leaf, and cumin. These are the delicious Indian flavours infuse this tasty, low cal soup. With a carrot base, it’s gluten free, Paleo, and of course, vegan too.

Calories per serving: 282

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (5)

6. Raw Vegan Noodle Salad

Full of flavour, texture, colour and crunch, this salad is a great main for lunch. It’s all about the dressing! This one is full of Asian spices, including tamari, miso and plenty of garlic. There are also a ton of fresh veggies, meaning this is basically a bowl of delish nutrish. Yum!

Calories per serving: 81

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (6)

7. Moroccan Soup With Kale

Feeling a bit hungry on your diet? This should fill you up! Meaty chickpeas and squash are the main ingredients of this delicately perfumed soup/stew. Want something even richer? Try making some cauliflower rice, and adding it to your bowl.

Calories per serving: Around 200 per cup

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (7)

8. Vegan Low Cal Burrito Bowl

Looking for Mexican low cal vegan recipes? Then this burrito bowl is for you! It’s tangy, filling (thanks mainly to the beans) and great for lunch or dinner. The most amazing part? It’s under 300 calories per serving! And the reason for that? The ‘rice’ is actually cauliflower. Clever!

Calories per serving: 269

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (8)

9. Spinach and Broccoli Patties

Crispy on the outside, soft and flavourful on the inside, these patties are a great alternative to burgers. Packed with spinach, broccoli and oats, they’re pretty filling. But if you’re craving something more, why not serve them up with a salad?

Calories per serving: 40 calories per patty

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (9)

10. Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Carrots

Sometimes, you just want to eat something that feels like it’s sticking to your ribs. Something thick and filling. And this is one of those low cal vegan recipes that fits the bill. Mashed sweet potatoes and carrots are healthier and more slimming than mashed potatoes. But just as satisfying!

Calories per serving: 63

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (10)

11. Simple Vegan Pesto Zoodles

I adore pasta! But when spaghetti pomodoro is off the menu, this is the next best thing. The Italian flavours of pesto are laid out over zucchini noodles, offering a ton of goodness, but very few calories. And since this is raw, it’s one of the best low cal vegan recipes for summer, too!

Calories per serving: 282

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (11)

12. Vegan Ramen Soup with Noodles

When dieting, you can still enjoy your favourite recipes, such as ramen. You just need to healthify them a tad! For example? Switch out stodgy udon noodles for some spiralized veggies and you’re good to go.

Calories per serving: 96

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (12)

13. Vegan Tortilla Vegetable Pizza

Pizza doesn’t have to be laced with cheese and packed full of vegan ‘meats’. It can still be delicious with a simple tomato base and piled with veggies. You can choose whichever vegetables take your fancy, and even top it with something unusual if that’s your thing (confession: I LOVE adding pickled onion onto my pizza!)

Calories per serving: 181

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (13)

14. Tikka Cauliflower Rice

This is another recipe that doesn’t rely on grains or carbs to make it wholesome and delicious. Cauliflower is a super light alternative to rice and it’s still yummy! As an added bonus, it’s really easy to season – this tikka version is simply wonderful.

Calories per serving: Around 100

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (14)

15. Rice Paper Rolls with Mango & Mint

Rice paper wraps are one of my favourite low cal vegan recipes! They’re a tasty and healthy lunch you can even take with you on the go. Stuff them to the brim with whichever veggies you love the most, and make a simple dipping sauce to go with them.

Calories per serving: 258

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (15)

16. Creamy, Dreamy & Healthy Broccoli Soup

When you hear the term ‘creamy,’ you probably think it’s fattening. But this recipe uses no heavy dairy products. The creaminess comes from nut milk and cashews, and the garlic gives it so much flavour. At 200 calories per bowl, you can afford to have a nice slice of sourdough toast with this if you wish!

Calories per serving: 200

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (16)

17. Vegan Nacho Stuffed Portobellos

Nachos? On a diet? That are actually vegan? It doesn’t seem at all possible! Fried corn tortillas and cheese are not the most diet friendly foods, after all. But this recipe nixes the tortillas, and replaces them with mushrooms. These cheese, of course, is vegan. And there’s still plenty of guac and jalepeños for that Mexican flavour. One of my new fave low cal vegan recipes for sure!

Calories per serving: 290

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (17)

18. Vegan Seitan Steak

Some people feel they need something ‘meaty’ to fill them up. And if you’re vegan, and on a diet, that can be a tough thing to find. Until now, that is! Thanks to the magic of seitan, this recipe has a steak-like texture and even taste. Serve it up with a salad for some extra greenery. Note: this is one of those low cal vegan recipes that’s not suitable for those who are gluten sensitive.

Calories per serving: 295

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (18)

19. Spanish Beans with Tomatoes

Looking for something that will fill your belly, without expanding its girth? Try these Spanish beans! They’re full of flavour, fibre and nutrition. Serve it up with some crusty bread for dipping. Yum!

Calories per serving: 120 (without bread).

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (19)

20. Chocolate Orange Muffins

I couldn’t do a list of low cal vegan recipes without dessert! After all, it’s inevitable that you’ll crave something sweet at some point. You’re only human! Don’t look to sugar-free substitutes that could damage your health.Instead, use agave nectar, as this recipe does. These muffins are just 100 calories each, and taste like they contain a lot more!

Calories per serving: 100 per muffin

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (20)

21. Sugar Free Chocolate Raspberry Cookies

One of my favourite low cal vegan recipes happens to be one for cookies! These have no added sugar. Instead, they rely on the fruit and chocolate for some sweetness.

Calories per serving: 66 per cookie

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (21)

22. Matcha Banana Ice Cream Cups

Just because you’re trying to lose weight doesn’t mean you need to deny yourself a bit of ice cream! This is actually made from bananas and has no sugar, keeping the calorie count low. For more ice cream recipes like this, click here.

Calories per serving: Around 160 per cup

Get the recipe here.

20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (22)

  • Author
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Lora O'Brien

Food Editor at Eluxe Magazine

After graduating in Journalism from the University of Greenwich, Lora worked for Sugar and Healing Lifestyles magazines in London before being hired to write about food for Eluxe. She’s recently become a new mom to baby Lulla, and is writing a blog about the experience of being a new mom. See more about Lora here.

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20+ Low Cal Vegan Recipes For Every Meal (2024)


What are the most filling low calorie foods for vegans? ›

Healthful foods that are high in protein, fiber, or both tend to be filling. Rich sources of protein for vegans include foods such as soybeans, pulses, and some nuts and seeds. Oats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruit are all good sources of fiber.

How to get enough protein on a 1200 calorie vegan diet? ›

  1. Quinoa. Protein: 8 grams per 1 cup serving, cooked.
  2. Buckwheat. Protein: 6 grams per 1 cup serving, cooked.
  3. Mycoprotein (Quorn) Protein: 13 grams per ½ cup serving.
  4. Rice and Beans. Protein: 7 grams per 1 cup serving.
  5. Ezekiel Bread. Protein: 8 grams per 2 slice serving.
  6. Seitan. ...
  7. Spirulina With Grains or Nuts. ...
  8. Peanut Butter Sandwich.
Feb 13, 2022

Is vegan low in calories? ›

Generally speaking, vegan diets are associated with a lower calorie intake than other forms of plant-based diets, resulting in more significant weight loss. Lower calorie intake is attributed to plant-based diets with higher fiber content, greater food volume, and lower energy density.

How to make vegan food satisfying? ›

But there are some simple steps we can take to make our plant-based meals taste flavorful and satisfying.
  1. Start with fresh ingredients.
  2. Include a protein source.
  3. Add some herbs & spices.
  4. Come hungry.
  5. Add the secret ingredient.
Apr 4, 2024

How can a vegan lose 20 pounds? ›

5 Habits for Easy Vegan Weight Loss: How I Lost 20 lbs
  1. Consuming enough vegan protein. ...
  2. Eat enough Fruit and Vegetables. ...
  3. Make sure your meals are balanced! ...
  4. 80/20 Rule. ...
  5. Create a list of easy vegan recipes.
Feb 3, 2024

How to gain 10 pounds on vegan diet? ›

The following tips outline the best ways in which we can maximize our weight gain on a vegan diet.
  1. Know Your Current Calorie Intake, Metabolism, and Body Type. ...
  2. Get Enough Calories. ...
  3. Increase Your Food Intake. ...
  4. Eat On Bigger Plates. ...
  5. Choose Energy Dense Foods More Often. ...
  6. Skip Cardio Workouts. ...
  7. Nuts. ...
  8. Avocado.
Mar 9, 2021

What does 30g of protein look like vegan? ›

Tofu can often be a staple source of protein for those following a vegan or vegetarian diet: 1 1/2 cups of cooked tofu can provide 30 grams of protein along with some healthy fat. Because tofu is made from soybeans, it's considered a complete protein even though it's from plants.

What is a skinny vegan diet? ›

Mostly you'll be eating fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. You can eat as much of these as you like. There's no calorie counting. The ideal Skinny Bitch breakfast is fruit. Lunch is a salad and/or vegetables.

How do vegans add protein to every meal? ›

"Whether you're talking about legumes, beans, seeds, grains, things like quinoa, brown rice, and amaranth — those foods are all rich in robust protein. You even have a fair amount of protein in your broccoli, kale, and cruciferous vegetables."

Is it harder to lose weight as a vegan? ›

Going vegan leads to reducing the number of high-calorie foods you eat, because sometimes you end up replacing high-calorie foods with high-fiber foods, which have fewer calories and keep you full longer. Many studies have shown that vegan diets are much more effective for weight loss than other diets.

What is a plant-based diet for rapid weight loss? ›

In conclusion, the ultimate plant-based diet for rapid weight loss involves a balanced approach that prioritizes whole, unprocessed foods, colorful fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, and healthy fats. It's essential to avoid highly processed options and animal products while being mindful of portion sizes.

Which is better for weight loss, vegan or keto? ›

Both keto and plant-based have been shown to help with weight loss and in the short-term, keto wins for overall pounds lost. However, when it comes to fat loss, sustainable weight loss and compliance, nutrient-density, and overall health benefits, a plant-based diet comes out on top.

What is the most filling vegan food? ›

Plant-based foods you can add to your meals to help improve satiety
  • Oats. ...
  • Chickpeas. ...
  • Walnuts or Almonds. ...
  • Sweet Potatoes. ...
  • Brussels Sprouts. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Brown rice or quinoa. ...
  • Dark Chocolate.

What do vegans eat when they are hungry? ›

Here are 11 foods and food groups you should try to include in your vegan diet plan.
  • Legumes. ...
  • Nuts, nut butters, and seeds. ...
  • Hemp, flax, and chia seeds. ...
  • Tofu and other minimally processed meat substitutes. ...
  • Calcium-fortified plant milks and yogurts. ...
  • Seaweed. ...
  • Nutritional yeast. ...
  • Sprouted and fermented plant foods.

Why do I feel so hungry on a vegan diet? ›

Because vegan diets are more nutrient dense than calorically dense (meaning, you eat many nutrient rich plant foods with lower amounts of calories per serving), it is normal to feel hungry more frequently than non-vegans or non-vegetarians. Here's the good news – eat more!

What do vegans eat to stay full? ›

Eat a protein serving with each meal to keep you feeling full. Great vegan and vegetarian protein sources are beans, tofu, tempeh, nuts, quinoa, lentils, whole grains, and starchy vegetables. As long as you focus on whole foods (rich in nutrients) and avoid processed foods and oils, it will be hard to overeat.

What are the lowest calorie foods that fill you up? ›

The healthiest lower energy-dense choices are foods that are high in protein but low in fat and calories, such as:
  • Beans, peas and lentils, which are also good sources of fiber.
  • Fish.
  • Lean meat and poultry.
  • Low-fat or fat-free dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheese.
  • Egg whites.

How can a vegan eat 3,000 calories a day? ›

Can a 3,000-calorie diet be adapted for vegetarian or vegan lifestyles? Absolutely! Plant-based sources of protein, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and fruits can be incorporated to meet the calorie and nutritional needs of a 3,000-calorie diet for those following vegetarian or vegan lifestyles.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.